[서울신문] Seol Min-seok keeps getting wrong… “Adaptation is necessary” vs “Fact is important”

Controversy over history distortion tvN’Naked World History’
Both existing videos and new broadcasts found errors
Even advocating “It’s too much to criticize”

A scene of Seol Min-seok's naked world history

▲ A scene of Seol Min-seok’s naked world history

TVN’Seol Min-suk’s Naked World History’, hosted by star lecturer Seol Min-seok, recorded 5% viewership despite the controversy over historical distortions, showing continued interest.

According to the audience rating research company Nielsen Korea on the 27th, the 3rd episode of’Seol Minsuk’s Naked World History’ the previous day recorded 5.5% (based on paid furniture).

In this broadcast, the history of Japan’s invasion of China was explained, focusing on the Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731, and the war crimes trial. This broadcast showed the process of reigning Emperor Hirohito (Emperor), who reigned as a god, downgraded immediately after his defeat. Using Hirohito’s Declaration of Humans, he explained the process of falling from god to human.

Regarding the contents of Seol Min-seok’s lecture on the day, some social media said, “MacArthur saved Unit 731 Ishii to bring biometric information, and Hirohito did not refer to the war crimes trial. He encouraged anti-American sentiment and traded indigenous war crimes.” That’s why he helped us, who doesn’t know it, is it not making the people the level of elementary school students with weak knowledge.”

It does not distort historical facts such as the existence of Unit 731 or the post-war emperor issue, but it seems that it feels openly stimulating anti-American feelings.

Seol Min-seok said Hirohito, under pressure from the victorious United States, said,’I am not a god. It is only a descendant of God’, but it was pointed out that the Emperor did not make such a statement in the actual human declaration.

Seol Min-seok's naked world history Cleopatra tvN broadcast screen

▲ Seol Min-seok’s naked world history Cleopatra TVN broadcast screen

History controversy begins with Cleopatra
“Just don’t look at it” expert remarks

The controversy over Seol Min-seok’s history distortion has intensified since the broadcast on Egypt’s history on the 19th. Through his social network service (SNS) account, Kwak Min-soo, director of the Korean Institute of Egyptology, said, “As I was worried about, the contents of the wrong facts are piled up. Just don’t look at it.” He pointed out an error in the historical content mentioned in the broadcast.

On the official website, the production crew said, “We sincerely apologize for some errors in the process of researching vast ancient history materials.” Seol Min-seok said, “It seems to have been caused by my lack of and lack of me. I will show Minsuk Seol who is more sincere and prepares harder, considering it as a whip to do better.”

Controversy about “Jazz is lost and R&B is born”
The critic said, “It’s like spreading false information”

YouTube videos about music were also controversial. On the 15th, Seol Min-seok said on YouTube on the 15th, “Jazz lost its original intention, and R&B was born.” “After Frank Sinatra, white people sang black music. (Black people) lost their original intentions. So I uploaded a video stating that the renaissance only for black people has begun” and deleted it when controversy.

In a comment, a reporter from Jazz People said, “This is the first time I hear that jazz has lost its original spirit and R&B was born.” (Contrary to Seol Min-seok’s claim) It is a genre that was born in the process of being passed on to many people.”

Music critic Soon-Tak Bae also said, “If you have read even a single book that deals with the history of jazz, blues, electric blues, R&B, and early rock and roll, you can’t make such a ridiculous sound.” This is the same as spreading false information,” he criticized.

Seol Min-seok's apple broadcast YouTube capture

▲ Seol Min-seok’s apple broadcast YouTube capture

“We have to admit that we have increased interest in history”
“You must not affirm about the fields you are not familiar with”

Critic Soon-Tak Bae pointed out, “I think that both Choi Jin-gi and Seol Min-seok are very excellent in their field of lectures.

On the other hand, Minsuk Seol made an effort to increase his interest in history, and there were opinions that some adaptations were necessary for fun.

Viewers’ bulletin boards, news, and YouTube comments say, “Who will see the original text as it is?” It’s fun to adapt and it’s like that, so you don’t have to go out of the big context.” “You have to look at the book to see the details. It is difficult to fit all the details in the limited broadcast time.” “Where are the people who lecture as fun and emotional as Seol Min-seok? It is too much,” and the opinions advocating Seol Min-suk and “As Seol Min-suk is famous, shouldn’t we be more careful in non-specialized fields? There are conflicting opinions expressing concern, saying, “There is a risk that people with influence will spread the wrong historical knowledge.”

Reporter Kim Yoo-min [email protected]
