[서울신문] Ronaldo, the fact that his girlfriend is proud of his quarantine rules

Cristiano Ronaldo and girlfriend Georgena Rodriguez, a professional football star under investigation by Italian police, were found violating the COVID-19 quarantine regulations on the 26th (hereafter local time) held at the FIBES Conference Center in Seville, Spain on November 3, 2019. Posing on the red carpet at the MTV European Music Awards.  Reuters material photos Yonhap News

▲ On the 26th (hereinafter referred to as local time), it was discovered that he violated the COVID-19 quarantine rules, and professional football star Cristiano Ronaldo and girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez, who are under investigation by Italian police, at the FIBES Conference Center in Seville, Spain on November 3, 2019. Posing on the red carpet at the MTV European Music Awards ceremony held.
Reuters material photos Yonhap News

It was discovered that Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) went on a trip to Kurmayu, Valledaosta, in the northwest to celebrate the 26th birthday of his girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez, on the 26th (hereafter local time). Under investigation. It was a fire that Rodrigues proudly posted a video of him sitting on a snowmobile with Ronaldo in the background of a ski resort on Instagram.

On the 28th, Italian local media said, “Ronaldo traveled to Courmayeur, which borders France, stayed overnight, and returned to Turin (Juventus’ liaison) the next day, but is being investigated by the police for violating the COVID-19 quarantine regulations. Told. The Italian government has designated Valle da Osta as the’Orange Zone’, a corona 19 danger zone, and has banned outsiders from entering. However, access is allowed only if you have a job or a second home. If it is confirmed that they have traveled without permission to the state of Valle da Osta, they will be fined 400 euros (about 540,000 won) per person.

In Italy, which has been in great difficulty with the second outbreak of Corona 19 since last winter, blockades have been issued everywhere. Even a few months ago, Ronaldo was tested positive for Corona 19 and was aware of the dangers of infectious diseases, such as self-quarantine. Italian Minister of Sports Vincenzo Spadapora accused Ronaldo of convening the Portuguese national team and finding his homeland for violating the quarantine rules and taking “naughty and unfaithful” behavior. Of course, at the time he denied that he had done anything wrong.

Byung-seon Lim, Secretary General, Peace Research Institute [email protected]
