[서울신문] Park Hye-soo’s’Hakpok’ in the truth studio… “I’m also a victim” vs. “Blackmail for penalty”[이슈픽]

Actor Park Hye-soo and Il Jin-seol claim.  Instagram online community capture

▲ Actor Park Hye-soo and Il Jin-seol claim. Instagram online community capture

Actor Park Hye-soo said, “I’m also a victim of school violence,” regarding allegations of school violence, while the informant refuted, saying, “I am being threatened with a penalty fee.”

Park Hye-soo posted his position in a long text 13 days after the first revelation was posted on the 7th. He said, “I was suffering from the prejudice created by the fake revelation,” he said, and rather that he was subjected to school violence by friends. He said, “I transferred from Gangbuk, and I was one year older than my classmates, and I was harassed for having studied abroad in the United States.” .

He said, “The victim’s meeting room also seems to have no substance, and it feels meaningless to talk about all the fake gossip streets floating around and make a statement. I want to ask this child who wants to ruin me why he has to do that and what he gets through it.”

“Intimidated to stop by biting the penalty”

The reaction of the informant A, who encountered this, was “a creepy victim cosplay”. Mr. A has been revealing Park Hye-soo’s school violence by revealing his face and name. Mr. A indirectly revealed his feelings by capturing content that is beneficial to him, such as,’If the innocent victim of the harassment was turned as the perpetrator as Park Hye-soo argues, there is no reason to postpone the entrance statement until now.’

And on the 9th, Mr. A said through his Instagram story, “I contacted my surroundings and wrote a post on Instagram regardless of his will, and he will remember what he did to all the victims, including what he did to me. They said they didn’t. At the same time, I could ask for a penalty of 10 billion or 20 billion, but I am being threatened to stop at this point, asking if it’s okay.”

Actor Park Hye-soo, controversial Instagram, online community

▲ Actor Park Hye-soo on Instagram, online community

“I called another person and asked for a’false testimony’ while crying. He spied on my Facebook and uploaded a picture that had nothing to do with the incident, conspiring with me and my acquaintances, and making me and all the victims liars.”

The broadcast of the KBS drama’Dear M’starring Park Hye-soo was delayed indefinitely. Park Hye-soo bowed his head, saying, “I am very, very sorry for the people involved in KBS and DM, actors, and all the staff who are suffering from the controversy about me.” His agency said, “We have already filed a complaint against major people who posted false information, and the investigation is currently underway.”

Unlike most of the celebrities who have been accused as perpetrators of school violence, Park Hye-soo’s apology was directed only to the production crew. This is because, according to his argument, it is an obvious false fact. However, the position of the informant was different. While the informant confronts “all victims are turning into liars,” the truth battles of both sides are expected to continue for a while.

Reporter Kim Yoo-min [email protected]
