[서울신문] ‘Korea contract’ AstraZeneca first approves in Britain… Start vaccination on the 4th day of the new month

Global vaccination with speed

Urgent approval of 印 is also soon… It seems that 300 million people will be hit in the new month
EU, which received Pfizer vaccine, also started vaccination

Reuters Yonhap News” style=”padding:0px;margin:0px”>AstraZeneca and Oxford University's COVID-19 vaccine.  Reuters Yonhap News

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▲ AstraZeneca and Oxford University’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Reuters Yonhap News

Amid the spread of the COVID-19 mutant virus, countries around the world are speeding up vaccination. After vaccination in the UK, the United States, and Canada began in earnest, several European Union (EU) member states of 450 million have also started vaccination against Corona 19 on the 27th (local time).

獨, vaccination a day ahead Corona 19 vaccination is in progress for elderly people on the 26th (local time) at a nursing home in Halberstadt, Germany.  The European Union (EU) decided to start vaccination against Corona 19 from the 27th, but due to the rapid spread of the mutant virus, some member states began vaccination one day earlier.  Halberstadt AP Yonhap News

▲ Vaccination a day earlier
On the 26th (local time), the corona19 vaccine is being vaccinated against the elderly in a nursing home in Halberstadt, Germany. The European Union (EU) decided to start vaccination against Corona 19 from the 27th, but due to the rapid spread of the mutant virus, some member states began vaccination one day earlier.
Halberstadt AP Yonhap News

According to AFP News, among EU member states, France, Italy, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have entered the corona vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer, a US pharmaceutical company, and Bioentech, Germany. Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, and Slovakia, which had been pre-supplied with Pfizer vaccines, started vaccinations to residents of long-term care facilities on the 26th, one day earlier than other EU member states. Bulgaria, Croatia, and Romania also started vaccination on the same day. In particular, in Bulgaria, where public distrust about vaccination is high, the Minister of Health received the vaccination for the first time. Belgium plans to start vaccination on the 28th and the Netherlands on the 8th of next month. The 27 EU member states aim to immunize up to 70% of the population.

In Central and South America, Mexico, Chile, and Costa Rica are among the vaccination countries. In Mexico, medical staff became the first candidates for the Pfizer vaccine on the 24th, and Chile and Costa Rica also started vaccination on the same day with 10,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine (one dose). Argentina will be vaccinated with the Russian vaccine on the 29th. In Asia, Singapore is the first Asian country to receive the Pfizer vaccine and is about to be vaccinated on the 21st. The Philippines is also known to be examining the urgent use of the Pfizer vaccine.

The UK, the world’s first vaccination country, plans to approve AstraZeneca and Oxford University’s Corona 19 vaccine for the first time in the world within a few days and distribute it from January 4 next year. According to Telegraph, approval for use of AstraZeneca may be issued as early as the 27th. India is also about to approve urgent use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and it will be vaccinated against 300 million people in the first month of the new year.

Senior Reporter Kyu-Hwan Kim [email protected]
