[서울신문] Is it wrong that Sayuri received a donation of’Western sperm’?[이슈픽]

Sayuri reveals his son, who was given birth by donating sperm/Sayuri Instagram

▲ Sayuri reveals her son, who was given birth by donating sperm / Sayuri Instagram

“I wanted the sperm of a healthy and high EQ person”
Not many donations of sperm from Asians, sperm from Westerners
Freezing sperm, preparing for future fertility
Sperm donation,’great power’ for a sperm infertile couple

Sayuri Fujita, 41, a Japanese broadcaster for’voluntary unmarried mother’ revealed the face of his 50-day-old son. Sayuri’s son was a mixed-race boasting distinct features.

On the 28th, Sayuri uploaded a picture taken with her son, showing a feeling of happiness and deep maternal love as a mother. Sayuri previously confessed the reason why Western sperm was donated through the YouTube channel Sayuri TV.

Sayuri said, “Once I didn’t care about my nationality. I didn’t care about both the West and the East,” he said. “Then I decided to be someone from the West. There are very few Asians in the donation area. I don’t seem to donate a lot.”

Also, regarding the standards for sperm donation, “Do not drink or smoke. The first thing was to be healthy,” he said. “I didn’t care about having a high IQ. On the other hand, I purposely sought someone with a high EQ level. I thought it was important to know what other people were thinking and whether they had a lot of empathy.”

Sayuri said after giving birth, “The baby feels unfamiliar at first, but it is getting pretty every day. Some people value blood, but it seems that the time together is more important.”

Although most applauded Sayuri’s choices, such as “Growing up as a healthy baby” and “I support you with a wonderful choice”, some netizens showed a somewhat negative stance on the news that they received Western sperm instead of Asian sperm. did.

“There is no money in the bank, but there is sperm”

Singer Lee Sang-min made a joke when he confessed that he had’frozen sperm’ in the SBS entertainment show’My Ugly Little Boy’ that aired on the 27th.

On this day, Lee Sang-min said, “Recently, Sayuri, who was close to me, gave birth to a child. While watching Sayuri, I had a lot of complex thoughts about marriage and children,” he said. “So last week, I froze my sperm. (When freezing sperm) Korean men all die. There is a blank next to it, and if your spouse signs it, you can use that sperm.”

Lee Sang-min's Confession/SBS'My Ugly Little Boy' broadcast screen

▲ Lee Sang-min’s Confession/SBS’My Ugly Little Boy’ broadcast screen

Sayuri has donated sperm called’sperm bank’.After collecting sperm, put it in a small container and quickly freeze it in a liquid nitrogen tank at minus 196°C. Means how to use.

People who use sperm banks fall into two main categories. In some cases, their sperm are stored frozen to prepare for future infertility, and in some cases, the donated sperm is stored frozen as a case of donating their own sperm to help the pregnancy of another person whom they do not know.

The case where one’s own sperm is frozen for the pregnancy of his or her spouse is called’sperm freezing’, and the case where the sperm of an asset is donated and frozen for the pregnancy of another person is called a’donated sperm bank’.

How about donating sperm through’donated sperm bank’?

Sayuri had donated sperm through the’donated sperm bank’, and Lee Sang-min’frozen sperm’.

While’donated sperm banks’ are active in the West, the number is relatively small in the East. For this reason, Sayuri also received a Western sperm donation.

In the past, the social atmosphere prevailed against donating one’s sperm due to legal or anonymization of the facts of donation. However, while male infertility is increasing rapidly due to the increasing environmental pollution and overwork, attempts to conceive using donated sperm are continuing.

Although there are not many attempts to donate sperm, the procedure for testing the donated sperm is under strict progress. Even if they want to donate sperm, more than half of them are eliminated because they do not qualify for donation. Also, to use the donated sperm, they must pass a blood test conducted 6 months after the initial donation.

The process of donating sperm to others is not complicated. Only a few visits are required, and there are no major problems as long as several blood tests, including tests for infectious diseases, and prior understanding and consent of various situations.

If you donate sperm to a sperm bank, it will be a great help to not only’voluntary single mothers’ like Sayuri, but also male infertile couples diagnosed with asexuality.

'Mother Sayuri' broadcast screen

▲’Mother Sayuri’ broadcast screen

Reporter Kim Chae-hyun [email protected]
