[서울신문] Hwijae Lee, apologizes for controversy over inter-floor noise “Inter-floor noise, careless and many mistakes”

Hwijae Lee apologize for interfloor noise.  Photo = Capture of TV Chosun's'wife's taste'

▲ Lee Hwi-jae apologizes for interfloor noise. Photo = Capture of TV Chosun’s’wife’s taste’

Comedian Lee Hwi-jae apologized for the controversy over the floor noise.

In TV Chosun’s’The Taste of a Wife’, which aired on the 19th, Lee Hwi-jae was depicted apologizing for the controversy over the inter-floor noise before the broadcast began in earnest.

Lee Hwi-jae said, “We were careless in various ways,” and “There are many mistakes.” He added, “I apologize well, and I always decided to contact you.”

As a result, Jang Young-ran showed anxiety, saying, “I think I’ve lost weight.” “It is important to communicate,” said Park Myung-soo. “There are many people at home because of Corona 19 these days, and children have to play outside, but since they are only at home, there are unpleasant things. It is important to understand each other while talking.”

Earlier in the comment on Instagram comment of Lee Hwi-jae’s wife, Moon Jeong-won, a netizen who identified himself as a resident of the lower house complained, “I have been suffering from floor noise for over a year.” In response, Moon Jung-won commented, “I apologized and visited me, but I will be more careful”, but the controversy grew as the post was deleted and SNS comments were banned.

Since then, both Moon Jung-won’s YouTube video and Lee Hwi-jae’s photos on social media have been criticized. Lee Hwi-jae wearing sneakers, playing sports such as baseball with the twin children, and the twins running around was included.

As the controversy grew, a revelation by a part-time student that Moon Jeong-won took the children’s toys from the amusement park and promised “I’ll come back” saying “I don’t have a wallet” and then asked for money because he didn’t come back. In the end, Moon Jung-won closed both the SNS and YouTube channels and announced the suspension of activities.

Reporter Lim Hyo-jin [email protected]
