[서울신문] Goal Land Electronic Land Station Front Land

9 attack rebounds ahead… KGC suppression

Incheon E-Land, a professional basketball game, took over the Paint Zone and defeated Anyang KGC.

At the decisive moment in the 2020-21 regular season home game held at the Samsan World Gymnasium in Incheon on the 27th, Kim Nak-hyun (15 points and 4 3-point shots) spewed out the outer shell, overtaking KGC by 78-73. In particular, a 15-6 lead in the offensive rebound served as a support.

In the first quarter, both teams had low fielding success rates. E-Land only scored one free throw by Eric Thompson (12 points and 14 rebounds) for five minutes. In the KGC, Lee Jae-do (16 points) scored 10 points only with free throws as a result of a foul break through the bottom of the goal. In addition to Yang Hee-jong (10 points), KGC resolved 12 out of 16 points in the first quarter with a free throw.

E-Land led to a close match with Jung Young-sam (9 points) following the goal by an additional free throw. The two loosened teams played a seesaw game from the second quarter, showing a confrontation between the bottom of the goal and the outer gun. In the third quarter, Moon Seong-gon (7 points)-Yang Hee-jong-Jeon Seong-hyun (14 points) scored four 3-point shots with a relay, and seemed to run away by nine points to catch the trend, but E-Land immediately pursued and reversed.

The game was at the end of the fourth quarter. Two minutes and 30 seconds before the end of the game, E-Land was behind by 70-71, and Kim Nak-hyun played a four-point play in which Lee Jae-do’s foul was obtained with three half-beat fast stores and turned the game over. E-Land was chased by allowing Yang Hee-jong to have a quick attack, but with 39 seconds remaining, Jeon Hyun-woo (7 points), who won the ball through Lee Jae-do’s error, put a layup on top and ran from 76-73 to keep the victory. KGC regretted that Byun Jun-hyung was absent from a high fever.

Busan kt’s five players, including Kim Young-hwan (20 points and four three-point shots) and Brandon Brown (20 points, 12 rebounds), played an even role in double-digit scoring and beat Seoul SK 91-86. kt ran two straight victories and SK fell into three straight victories.

Reporter Hong Ji-min [email protected]
