[서울신문] Doctors in the United Kingdom “Will not be vaccinated twice after 12 weeks of Pfizer vaccine”

“Unlike AstraZeneca, Pfizer has no research every 12 weeks”

AFP Yonhap News” style=”padding:0px;margin:0px”>Pfizer Biontech's COVID-19 vaccine image.  AFP Yonhap News

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▲ An image of Pfizer Biontech’s Corona 19 vaccine.
AFP Yonhap News

The Associated Press reported that British doctors raised concerns again with the authorities’ decision to administer the second dose 12 weeks later, saying that they would give more people the Corona 19 vaccine. In particular, Pfizer suggests that its vaccine should be given twice within 3 weeks, and there is no scientific basis for extending the vaccination interval to 12 weeks, doctors argued.

The British Medical Association issued a statement on the 23rd (local time) urging the British pharmaceutical authorities to urgently review the current position of the second vaccination 12 weeks after the Pfizer Bioentech vaccine. They said that a second dose of AstraZeneca vaccine may be okay after 12 weeks, but Pfizer has never conducted a related study.

“Other countries are not increasing the vaccination interval like the UK does,” said Chanand Nagpol. The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommended that the second dose of Pfizer vaccination be given within 6 weeks after the first dose, even in exceptional cases.” He added, “I understand the intention of the authorities to inoculate more people, but if that was the right decision, other countries would do that, but they are not.”

In response, Dr. Yvon Doyle, director of public health in England, refuted this as “a rational decision to protect more people.” The authorities also said that blood samples are being collected to study how many antibodies are produced at different intervals from 3 weeks to 24 months to determine the most efficient Pfizer vaccination interval. In the UK, about 5.9 million people have been vaccinated so far.

Reporter Hong Hee-kyung [email protected]
