[서울신문] Democratic Party weighs on’extending ban on short selling’… “Directions to improve the system after extension”

The stock market surpassed the 3000 index for the first time on the 6th.  2021.1.20 News 1

▲ The stock market exceeded the 3000 index for the first time on the 6th. 2021.1.20
News 1

In addition, the Democratic Party is trying to extend the ban on short selling, which is scheduled to end on March 15th.

Spokesman Shin Young-dae met with reporters at the National Assembly on the 20th and said, “There are many opinions that the overall party atmosphere should be extended (prohibited) and reorganized the system first while solving the harmful effects of short selling in order to protect market liquidity and individual investors.”

He added, “Isn’t Eun Seong-soo, chairman of the Financial Services Commission, that he would discuss with the National Assembly?

An official from the policy committee also met with reporters, saying, “I had more time, so I decided to make a decision while looking at the market situation.”

Democratic Party lawmakers Song Young-gil, Woo Sang-ho, Yang Hyang-ja, and Park Yong-jin have publicly insisted on extending the ban on short selling.

Rep. Song said on Facebook that “we need to take some time to come up with an innovation plan for short selling by extending the ban on short selling.”

Rep. Woo also said, “The short sale has been postponed due to the condition that the’tilted playground’ theory between ant investors and institutional investors has caused damage to ant investors, and the ban period has to be extended as the problem has not been resolved.”

However, Rep. Ogi-hyung stated that short selling should be resumed due to concerns about foreigners leaving.

An official from the leadership said, “There is consensus within the party on the extension of the ban on short selling,” and said, “It is a comprehensive consideration, including system improvement, and we will not eliminate short selling itself.

Reporter Shin Jin-ho [email protected]
