[서울경제TV 해외선물 No.1] Chart Man Trader January 15th Overseas Futures Market

[서울경제TV 해외선물 No.1] Chart Man Trader January 15th Overseas Futures Market]

[서울경제TV ‘해외선물 NO.1’ 퓨처온 소속의 차트남자 트레이더]

On the 14th local time, Fed Chairman Powell expressed his position on monetary policy in an online conversation hosted by Princeton. Recently, some Fed officials, including the governors of Atlanta and Dallas, discussed the possibility of an interest rate hike and tapering discussions next year, and the market drew attention as concerns in the market grew.

In conclusion, Chairman Powell dismissed the possibility of early austerity. Now is not the time to talk about exits, and explicitly stated that the base rate hike is not close.

He also emphasized the Fed’s basic policy that the market’s attention was drawn to the dot chart and the timing of the base rate hike, and that guidelines related to future rate hikes and tapering are not timing but economic indicators.

As mentioned in the previous week’s report, we have predicted that even further rises in US interest rates at this point are unlikely to give the Fed a signal to change its stance in the short term.

The recent rise in US interest rates is the result of a combination of policy expectations from the Blue Wave and rising inflation, but it is difficult to treat this recovery as sustained and normal. Immediately after the crisis, the economy is usually overheated due to the effects of many policies, which is a temporary phenomenon that appears in the process of the economy returning to its place.

In addition, the current phenomenon of rising inflation and rising nominal interest rates is the result of the Fed’s attempt to induce through the average price target system. Therefore, as clearly confirmed by Chairman Powell’s remarks, concerns about the Fed’s early austerity are considered premature market prices.

[2021년 1월 15일 NASDAQ 선물 지수 투자전략 ]

[2020년 1월 15일 NASDAQ 선물지수 60분봉 차트]

Currently, the NASDAQ 60-minute chart shows the highs of 13130~13140 and adjustment is coming.

The secondary buy channel also broke down to the bottom, and it is most advantageous to see the selling point of technical adjustments rather than the timing of buying the pushed tree. It can be seen that the technical adjustment begins.

Therefore, it can be seen that the adjustment is made to 12,600 points.

As a result, it is advantageous to take a sell response strategy at 12950~13000 points in case of a rebound, keeping in mind the possibility that a trend for route 1 will emerge.

The chart male trader of FutureOn is currently appearing on Seoul Economic TV.

His overseas futures investment strategy can be seen through live broadcasting of’Overseas Futures No. 1’every night from 23:00 to 24:00.

*The content of this article is an expert personal analysis. Please be careful with your investment.

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