[새책]Essay on stock investment sympathy’Medium market, to those struggling’

[이데일리 이진철 기자] Based on their investment experience, a sympathy essay was published that calmly conveys the investment message to so-called’Donghak ants’.

The new book,’Mespicious Market, To You, Tired of Loneliness’, is a book written by tax accountant Tae-Soo Kim, who is an American tax accountant and a stock-investment training business. Tax accountant Tae-soo Kim, the author, is a real investor and financial writer who previously dealt with the essential aspects of the stock market through’public disclosure of learning through novels’ and’over-the-counter stocks learning through novels’.

This is the first stock investment book written in the form of an essay to sympathize with the hearts of individual investors for the first time in the stock market. It has a subtitle titled’Essay on empathy for investors struggling in the stock market’.

The author says that when a sale is made in the stock market, someone is bound to lose money. In general, in all stock markets, the government, institutions and individuals are the trading partners, but if the government fails, the state collapses. If the institution fails, the hours of economic distress persist. However, if an individual fails, it is said that if a new individual fills the spot, there is no problem, so the individual investor is bound to lose money in the end.

In order to attract new individuals, institutions create markets and governments create issues. And individual investors learn and invest in the framework of capitalism that they have well-established, and eventually fail.

Just a few months ago, during the splendid rise, in the marketplace we all seemed to be united for the eternal economic interests of the nation, business and people alike. However, in a situation where the market is shaken, the three subjects cannot coexist, and individual investors are eventually left alone.

The market is forcing individuals to stand on the losing side. In the framework they have set up, no matter how much you study and get information, you are investing in the side of losing. Therefore, the author emphasizes that in order to stand on the winning side, one must not be tamed by the plates of capitalism they have built.

This book fundamentally rejects the failing educational frame framed by institutions and governments in capitalism. It is composed of contents that empathize and comfort individual investors so that they do not get tired of loneliness by adding various counseling and educational experiences in Korea and New York.

While educating individual investors, the author emphasized that “real investment is not made with skills, knowledge or information, but with life experience and common sense.”

It has been a long time since the investment methods of great historically renowned investors have already become a fad. In this book, I advise you that investing in the modern stock market, where no specific investment method is developed, is to observe the world’s flow, think with common sense, be courageous, believe in me, persevere, and finally achieve and retire.

Taesoo Kim / Book Publishing Saebit Publishing / 280P / 16,000 won
