[사회]”You can go to school every day up to the 1st~2nd and 2nd stages of elementary school…


Kindergarten and elementary school 1st and 2nd graders are expected to be able to attend school every day until the second stage of social distancing.

Also, we decided to conduct the school opening and the SAT exam as scheduled without delay.

Reporter Shin Hyun-joon reports on the plan for this year’s academic management by the Ministry of Education.


Due to the Corona 19 incident last year, school opening was delayed for more than a month, and the SAT was also delayed for two weeks.

However, this year is unlikely to happen.

This is because the Ministry of Education decided to start on March 2nd and to implement the SAT on November 18th as scheduled, and to observe the legal number of school days.

School classes are also expanded.

Up to the second stage of social distancing, kindergarten and elementary school 1st and 2nd graders are eligible to attend school every day, not subject to density.

Special schools or small schools can decide on their own classes up to level 2.5.

High school 3 can also go to school every day like last year.

[유은혜 / 부총리 겸 교육부 장관 : 소규모학교의 등교수업이 가능한 기준 학생 수를 기존 300명 내외에서 400명 이하로 확대하여 등교수업 대상을 확대하겠습니다.]

We will also strengthen support for school quarantine, a prerequisite for expanding school.

By investing KRW 190 billion, we will deploy 50,000 people for quarantine and life guidance, and increase the support for quarantine supplies.

The Ministry of Education is also planning to help revitalize convergence classes by setting standards for evaluating attendance results for distance classes and attending classes.

[유은혜 / 부총리 겸 교육부 장관 : 코로나 위험 상황에서 학교가 창의적으로 만들어내는 다양한 수업방식, 다양한 학습상황을 지원하는 탄력적인 교육과정을 운영하겠습니다.]

Deputy Prime Minister Yu Eun-hye also added that he is requesting the quarantine authorities so that education workers, such as health teachers and caregivers, can receive the vaccine first.

YTN Shin Hyun-jun[[email protected]]is.

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