[사회]Yoon Seok-yeol “If you deprive the prosecution of the right to investigate, it will lead to corruption”…


Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who visited Daegu while resuming the tour schedule of the front-line prosecutors’ office, made another remark about the serious crime investigation agency promoted by the ruling party.

He raised the voice of criticism, saying that if the so-called’complete inspection’, which completely deprives the prosecution of the prosecution’s right to investigate, will become a’complete corruption’ in which corruption is completely sold out.

Reporter Park Seo-kyung reports.


At the visit of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, the front of the Daegu High Prosecutors’ Office and the Daegu District Prosecutor’s Office was in a hurry from an early hour.

Citizens holding welcome hand signs and citizens holding prosecution reform hand signs entangled each other and became a mess.

“Suk-yeol Yoon! Seok-yeol Yoon!!!!”

President Yoon gave meaning to his visit to Daegu, saying that it was the place where he had been deported and worked in the National Intelligence Service’s election intervention investigation before he died as the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office.

[윤석열 / 검찰총장 : 저를 따뜻하게 품어줬던 고장입니다. 떠나고 5년 전에 왔더니 감회가 특별하고, 고향에 온 것 같은 느낌입니다.]

President Yoon continued to criticize again, aiming at the grave crime investigation office promoted by the ruling party here.

In particular, when the so-called’reconsideration of prosecution’, which completely deprives the prosecution of the prosecution’s right to investigate, was carried out, he fired a direct hit with the expression that it would become a’corruption complete’.

At the same time, he emphasized that the priority is to protect the’people’ from corruption.

[윤석열 / 검찰총장 : (검수완박은) 부패를 완전히 판치게 하는 부패완판으로 헌법 정신에 크게 위배되는 것으로 국가와 정부의 헌법상 책무를 저버리는 것이라고 저는 생각합니다.]

When asked if they think about countermeasures, such as a meeting of the prosecutors, he opened up the possibility that he would review after collecting internal opinions of the prosecution.

At the following employee meetings, President Yoon stressed that the direction of the prosecution reform is to move toward a fair prosecution and the public prosecution, and emphasized that it is the constitutional duty to protect the people by punishing powerful people as a rule without noticing the human resources authority.

In particular, he said that the deprivation of the right to investigate is nothing more than abolishing the prosecution or making it into the National Justice Agency. He said that organized corruption cannot be punished, and democracy and rule of law retreat and the victims will become citizens.

Yoon’s visit to Daegu is the schedule of a tour of local prosecutors’ offices, which resumed after four months.

Earlier, after a visit to Daejeon in October last year, the tour schedule was suspended due to a disciplinary request from former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae.

In his first public move after two months of returning to work, it is expected that internal protests at the prosecution will intensify as President Yun has solidified his stance that he will somehow stop the heavy water office.

This is YTN Park Seo-kyung.

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