[사회]Yesterday 1,020 new confirmations… 985 domestically, 35 overseas inflows


The number of new corona19 confirmed cases, which showed a brief decline in the new year, surpassed 1,000 again in three days.

The next two weeks are expected to be a major milestone in the third epidemic.

Starting today, the government has extended the current distancing step by two weeks and has banned private meetings with more than five people nationwide.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Kim Jong-gyun!

Yesterday, the last day of the New Year holidays, the number of new confirmed cases again exceeded 1,000?


As of 0 o’clock today, 1,020 new cases are confirmed.

It increased from 657 the previous day to nearly 400 in one day.

When looking at the route of infection, domestic outbreaks were 985 and foreign inflows were 35.

There are still many domestic outbreaks in the metropolitan area.

Seoul has 324, Gyeonggi 260, and Incheon 101 with 685 in the metropolitan area alone.

In the non-metropolitan area, Gwangju was the largest with 74 people.

This was followed by 34 in Busan, 33 in Gyeongnam, 29 in Daegu, and 25 in Gyeongbuk.

New patients were confirmed in all 16 provinces nationwide except Sejong.

Of the 35 foreign inflows, 11 were confirmed during the quarantine stage.

The additional death toll was 19 and the cumulative death toll was 981.

The number of people with severe gastric disorders is 351, down by four.

The government is planning to mobilize all quarantine capabilities and reduce the number of confirmed cases in January to break the spread.

The current social distancing stage has also been re-extended from today.

The previous stage 2.5 in the metropolitan area and the second stage in the non-metropolitan area, the distance setting, will continue for two more weeks until the 17th.

The ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people is also applied from the metropolitan area to the whole country.

There are also areas that are alleviated.

Academia in the metropolitan area is allowed if the number of teachers is 9 or less in consideration of the care gap during vacation.

Winter sports facilities such as ski resorts are open until 9pm with a capacity limit of one-third.

YTN Kim Jong-gyun at the Ministry of Social Affairs[[email protected]]is.

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