[사회]What is the COVID-19 pledge of “consolation money by 100,000 won vs. income preservation for 200 households”?


The spread of Corona 19 has seldom been caught in the metropolitan area.

The Seoul Mayor candidates are also interested in measures to overcome the Corona 19 crisis.

The two candidates Park Young-sun and Oh Se-hoon made a summary of what promises they made and how they were evaluated by reporter Kim Kyung-soo.


In addition, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon pledged to pay 100,000 won for disaster compensation to all citizens of Seoul.

[박영선 / 더불어민주당 서울시장 후보(지난달 30일) : 저는 서울시장이 되면 1호 결재로 1인당 10만 원의 재난위로금을 디지털 화폐로 지급하고자 합니다.]

The company announced that it will cover 1 trillion won of necessary financial resources with the remaining budget last year, analyze the distribution process of consolation money paid in digital currency, and reflect it in policy establishment.

However, it was pointed out that it is not clear how to save the purpose of fundraising and support immediately.

[남은경 / 경제정의실천시민연합 정책국장 : 일회적인 기금 지원이기 때문에 근본적으로 소상공인들한테 실질적인 소득으로 연결될까에 대한 의문이 있는 거고….]

People’s Power Candidate Se-Hoon Oh put forward a so-called’reliable income’ that compensates for half of the amount that is below the median income.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보(지난달 29일) : 3년 동안 한 2백 가구 정도를 대상으로 해서 독일 베를린이 시행하는 기본 소득 실험처럼 안심소득 실험을 합니다.]

Explaining that it will cost 4 billion won a year to conduct a pilot trial targeting only 200 households and then expand it to the entire city of Seoul. In this case, it will cost 4 trillion won.

Funding is also a problem, but critics say that it is not enough to make a proper policy commitment.

[이광재 / 한국매니페스토실천본부 사무총장 : 임기를 진행하면서 정책을 테스트해보겠다고 하는 건데 그 정도를 가지고 정책이라고 하기엔 좀 어렵죠. 전면확대나 어느 정도 일정 규모의 확대를 하는 정책을 가지고 얘기를 하셔야죠.]

Both candidates Park Young-sun and Oh Se-hoon provided indirect support measures for small business owners and self-employed people affected by Corona 19.

Candidate Park promised that the Seoul Metropolitan Government would provide half of the reduction to the landlord who reduced the rent by 30% along with the promise of an interest-free loan of 50 million won.

Candidate Oh pledged a so-called ‘4-no loan’ that exempts deposits, mortgages, interest, and evidence with a limit of 100 million for one year.

However, there are not many reactions that this is not very helpful.

[조동현 / 소상공인 : (대출) 받는 것도 중요하겠지만, 갚아야 하는 거니까 그거는. 우리가 용기 잃지 않고 영업할 수 있는, 보탬이 될 방법을 최대한 강구해서 해줬으면….]

[김영섭 / 소상공인 : 도움된다고 보질 않아요. 실질적으로 자영업자들 대부분 제일 부담 가는 게 임대료 문제거든요. 임대료에 일부 보조 있으면 몰라도 대출이라는 게 큰 의미 없다고 봐요.]

Moreover, according to the promise, a not small budget is required, but there are voices that there is not much that the mayor can do with a term of one year and three months.

[이광재 / 한국매니페스토실천본부 사무총장 : 서울시민은 1년 3개월짜리 서울시장 고용하고자 했는데 5년짜리 세금 청구서를 내밀었다, 저희는 그렇게 보고 있습니다. 이것저것 다해주겠다는 게 아니고 1년 3개월 동안 무엇을 꼭 하겠다는 약속을 기다렸는데….]

The candidates emphasize that it is a pledge that is feasible, but overall, the gaze is on whether it is a pledge of sincerity without sufficient consideration.

YTN Kim Kyung-soo[[email protected]]is.

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