[사회]Visualization of distance distancing effect…Improvement of cohort isolation in nursing hospitals

As well as the effect of reducing the inspection volume, it seems that the effect of special quarantine measures appears.
“Weekend movement is the lowest in the last two months…infectious reproductive index is about 1”
One after another confirmed patients in nursing homes… “99 people died for 1 month in nursing hospital alone”


As the number of new confirmed cases drastically declined for two days in a row, and various indicators improved, the effect of special quarantine measures that banned meetings of five or more people seems to be showing little by little.

However, concerns about group infections in nursing hospitals remain, and the government has devised measures for improvement, such as changing the current cohort isolation method.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


Ten days have passed since the enforcement of strong quarantine measures banning meals for more than 5 people from the 24th of last month.

During this period, the average number of confirmed local outbreaks per day was 948, similar to the previous one, but noticeable changes have occurred over the past two days.

That’s a decrease of 216 and 147 per day.

The effect of reducing the number of holidays and inspections is also the effect, but it seems that the effect of banning meetings and meals for more than 5 people and closing ski resorts and sunrise spots appeared.

Weekend movement was the lowest in the last two months, and the infectious reproductive index continued to drop, down to around 1.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 전략기획반장 : 더 이상 확산을 멈추고 아슬아슬한 저지 국면에 계속 진입해 있거나, 혹은 정점을 지나 완만하게 감소하고 있는 국면으로 보고 있으면서….]

Although the social distancing effect appears, group infections in nursing homes still persist.

In nursing facilities such as Gyeyang-gu, Seoul, and Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si, there were 996 patients and 99 deaths in nursing hospitals in the past month.

[김 윤 / 서울대 의대 교수 : 변수가 남아 있는 것은 집단감염과 그의 연장선상에서 이게 지역사회 감염으로 연결될 위험성들이 여전히 존재하기 때문에 이게 사회적 거리두기만으로 해결이 안 되는 문제들이라서.]

Accordingly, in the future, the government decided to promptly respond to group infections in nursing hospitals at the central government level, not at the local government level.

An emergency response team composed of experts such as heavy water and Bang Dae-bon is dispatched to the site.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 전략기획반장 : 현장대응팀은 확진자와 비접촉자, 밀접접촉자 등으로 환자유형을 구분하고 공간과 종사인력을 철저히 분리하여 환자 간의 교차감염을 차단하도록 하겠습니다.]

In addition, the current cohort, i.e. the same group isolation method, was completely improved, and non-contact persons decided to quickly move to another nursing hospital.

The cycle of PCR tests for nursing hospital workers will be strengthened from 2 weeks to 1 week, and those who have been to high-risk areas such as weddings and funeral homes will be put into work after receiving a rapid antigen test.

However, the government stressed that the next two weeks are the decisive time to achieve a solid stability, saying that the Corona 19 trend is still changing and there is a lot of uncertainty.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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