[사회]’Vaccine vaccination rate of 1.4%’…”It will increase to the level of 1.1 million people a day.”

An average of 27,000 people per day vaccinated… Vaccination rate ‘1.4%’
The government sets the target time to achieve group immunity in November
“A simple calculation could take up to three and a half years.”


Although it has been nearly a month since the inoculation of the Corona 19 vaccination started in Korea, the vaccination rate is only 1.4%.

When there were concerns that it would be difficult to achieve collective immunity by November, the government announced that it would hurry to build infrastructure so that up to 1.1 million people can be inoculated a day.

Reporter Lim Seong-ho reports.


From the 26th of last month when vaccination started in Korea, the cumulative number of vaccinations is 730,000 people.

On average, about 27,000 people per day, even with the first and second vaccinations combined, only about 1.4% of the entire population have been vaccinated.

The target time to achieve the collective immunity set by the government is in November.

However, there are concerns that it could take up to three and a half years even with simple calculations at this speed.

Then the health authorities began to evolve.

It means that we will hurry to build the vaccination infrastructure by securing 250 regional vaccination centers and 10,000 consignment medical institutions.

[김기남 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 예방접종관리반장 : 지역 예방접종센터가 전국 단위로 시·군·구별로 설치되고, 위탁의료기관도 1만 개소 이상이 전국적으로 가동되면서 하루에 한 115만 명까지 접종이 가능한 상황입니다.]

It is calculated that the vaccination rate will increase from the end of May, when the vaccination infrastructure is expanded and fully operational, and it will not be difficult to achieve mass immunity in November.

However, some point out that a smooth vaccine supply is more important than this.

The amount of vaccines confirmed by the government so far is for 8.9 million people.

AstraZeneca vaccine delivered 4.28 million people.

The supply of Pfizer and Cobax is 3.5 million and 1.1 million respectively.

Of the 79 million contracted by the government, 89% of the 70 million people have yet to be introduced.

For this reason, the government is accelerating negotiations with vaccine developers such as Janssen, Modena, and NovaVax with the aim of supplying them within the second quarter.

This is YTN Seongho Lim.

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