[사회]Vaccination starts on the 26th…what if I refuse the AstraZeneca vaccine?

■ Progress: Park Sang-yeon anchor
■ Cast: Jiyeol Yang / Attorney, Danbi Choi / Attorney

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇Anchor> Corona 19 vaccination starts from this Friday, and yesterday the government announced the number of vaccinations. You decided to inoculate 360,000 people first, right?

◆The shortest ratio> 360,000 people have priority vaccination, but in the case of preferential vaccination, they are residents and workers in nursing hospitals, nursing facilities, mental health rehabilitation facilities, or corona 19 patient treatment hospitals. For residents and workers, I decided to give the first vaccination to those medical staff and residents who are the most vulnerable to coronavirus. As you said, the number of subjects is slightly less than 360,000.

◇Anchor> When I asked the subjects of the AstraZeneca primary vaccination, the consent rate was 93.9%. Would you like to say that there is no reluctance to this extent?

◆Yang Ji-yeol> It’s a completely different aspect from what I was worried about. In fact, when that story came out, there were places like overseas that dropped to 60%. First of all, there will be one thing that Koreans believe and follow the government’s guarantee of safety despite the controversy over the AstraZeneca vaccine because the trust itself that the government basically has in the government’s quarantine system is very high. Also, most of them are nursing hospital workers, but they suffered a lot from the past in the coronavirus regime, which is still going on. So, I had to constantly test once a week, and things like going out and meetings were much more severely restricted compared to other people in general, so I’ll take the risk of these demands for vaccines. I can see it. Furthermore, I look forward to the fact that more people, almost 100% of the vaccines will be given after it is revealed that there is nothing to worry about in a week or month after the initial vaccination begins.

◇Anchor> But I think I should also look at the other side. It also means that about 6% of them still refuse to be vaccinated. Are there any anxiety or something like this in the background?

◆ Danbi Choi> There are experts who do an analysis that is different from that of Mr. Jiyeol Yang. Because this number is 93%, it is a very high number, but as this subject is talking about, it is the first dose. In the case of the 1st vaccination, there are no people over 65 years old. Now, in the case of AstraZeneca, the most controversial is the elderly and 65 years of age or older, so the controversial parts have been omitted. . So there are analysts who say that the consent rate is bound to be higher. So 6% cannot be considered low. So when you go to the general public, the rate of not getting the vaccine may increase, because there are predictions like this. Then we need to analyze what is the cause of these things that we say will refuse vaccination. Because if the number of vaccination denials increases, the government is expecting the formation of group immunity in November, and about 90% of the population should be vaccinated together to develop group immunity, which can make group immunity difficult. So, it is said that the cause analysis is very important, and that is why, as you said, if you gave the vaccination first and said that there is no guarantee, safety in the cause analysis or this anxiety will inevitably fall.

◇Anchor> Vaccination is not mandatory. If you don’t want that much, you don’t have to be right, but if you refuse the vaccination this time, the chance will come again in November. I will listen to the transcript of the related content.

[정경실 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 예방접종관리반장 : 접종 거부 시 후순위로 연기되는 부분은 전 국민의 1차 접종, 전 국민의 접종이 끝나는 11월 이후 접종을 받으시게 되는 것으로 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다.]

◇Anchor> What happens to people working in nursing hospitals if they refuse vaccination?

◆Yang Ji-yeol> As you said, it is not something that can be forced. Denial of vaccination by itself cannot be penalized. However, in the case of nursing hospitals, aren’t they doing PCR every time? It seems that the test should continue to be maintained, and it is said that it will not result in a real disadvantage, but at the hospital level, the work itself is reduced to direct contact with elderly people, or because people under the age of 65 can contact such patients. Usually, such things can happen in the field, but if it goes toward worsening the working environment to the extent that it becomes discriminatory, it will be another complaint and it will be a social problem, so it seems unlikely that this will not happen. In general, so, as it is still practiced, if the infection is spread due to personal carelessness, or if this happens, you may be subject to a claim for remedy. In a different sense from now, it is not that you are subject to claim for reimbursement, but because you have not been vaccinated, you still have to bear the risk.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
