[사회]U.S. military relocation review revealed that it will affect U.S. forces in Korea


As President Biden says he is reviewing the deployment of US forces around the world, we are interested in how it will affect US forces in Korea.

It is intended to be appropriately aligned with foreign policy or national security priorities.

It looks different from former President Trump, who emphasized the cost of the alliance, and is drawing attention to future actions.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


US President Biden visits the US State Department for the first time since taking office on the 20th of last month.

It says it is reviewing the deployment of US troops around the world and will stop reducing US troops stationed in Germany during this period.

[조 바이든 / 미국 대통령 : 미국이 돌아왔습니다. 외교가 돌아왔습니다. 여러분은 내가 하고자 하는 모든 것의 중심입니다. 여러분은 심장입니다. 동맹을 재건할 것입니다. 세계에 다시 관여할 것입니다.]

President Biden also added that he will ensure that foreign policy and national security priorities are properly aligned.

This is different from former President Trump, who decided to reduce US troops in Germany by discussing the cost of the alliance and pressured the reduction of US troops in Korea.

It has not been revealed what the effective deployment of US forces around the world will be, but from the perspective of the ROK-US alliance, it is unlikely that it will have a significant impact on US forces in Korea.

However, there are also opinions that the role of USFK may be affected depending on where the center of gravity of the US military relocation is directed.

[박원곤 / 한동대 국제지역학과 교수 : 특히 중국에 대비하기 위한 선택과 집중을 모색할 수 있죠. 그렇다면 그 영향을 주한미군이 받을 수 있고 숫자 보다는 능력에 기반한 변화가 예상됩니다.]

In the midst of this, Secretary of Defense Seo-wook repeatedly announced the joint exercises next month, saying that the customized deterrence strategy of the ROK-US alliance is an optimized joint strategy on the Korean Peninsula.

However, Unification Minister Lee In-young is drawing attention on how the combined training, which has emerged as a task of the biden administration’s ROK-US alliance, will be coordinated, such as ordering a flexible response, saying that tension could be triggered.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

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