[사회]Thousands of confirmed cases are again mandatory…


The number of new corona 19 confirmed cases again exceeded 1,000.

There are 1,029 new patients a day, and there are many deaths, so I am still worried.

In order to prevent the mutant virus from the UK, it has been decided to oblige all foreigners entering the country to submit negative corona19 confirmation letters.

We will try to find out more by connecting reporters. Reporter Kim Hye-eun!

The number of new patients has increased again to a thousand.

The number of deaths increased a lot?


Yes, as of 0 o’clock today, there were 1,029 new cases in total.

Yesterday it was 967, and in one day it again exceeded a thousand.

In terms of infection route, 1,004 domestic outbreaks and 25 foreign inflows.

There are still many infected people in the metropolitan area.

Seoul 358, Gyeonggi 271, Incheon 63, with 692 new patients.

In the non-metropolitan area, new patients were confirmed in all 17 cities and provinces nationwide, including 55 in Busan, 43 in Daegu, 43 in Ulsan, 34 in Gyeongnam, and 29 in Gangwon.

Of the 25 confirmed overseas inflows, 4 were confirmed during the quarantine stage.

There were 17 additional deaths, and the cumulative death toll was 917.

The number of patients with severe gastric disorders also increased by 10 to 354.


Are you saying that the government mandates the submission of a negative confirmation letter for all inbound travelers from all over the world?


The government has made it mandatory for all foreigners entering Korea from all over the world to submit a PCR voice confirmation letter when entering Korea.

The voice confirmation must be issued within 72 hours of departure.

The airport applies from the arrival on January 8th and the port from January 15th.

Until now, it is mandatory for foreigners from Britain and South Africa to submit negative PCR confirmations.

The government sees the current situation as a’congestion period’ with around a thousand new patients a day.

On the 24th of last month, the government restricted travel and various meetings through special quarantine measures during the year-end and New Year holidays.

Nevertheless, the situation has not particularly improved, and the quarantine authorities are increasing their concerns.

In addition, the strengthened distancing measures and special quarantine that are currently being implemented will end the day after tomorrow.

Until then, there is a need to extend or prepare separate measures, so we will announce the contents tomorrow.

Earlier, the government held a major conference yesterday to gather opinions from ministries and local governments and from private experts.

However, it is said that there is a high possibility that the current measures will be continued for the time being, as enormous social and economic damages are expected when the third stage of social distancing is implemented.

So far, this is YTN Kim Hye-eun from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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