[사회]There is no’blood clot’ in Korea after AZ vaccination…”Getting a vaccine is beneficial”


Some countries have stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine with a specific serial number after reporting adverse events of blood clots after vaccination.

However, the quarantine authorities said that a vaccine with the serial number has not been introduced in Korea, and there have been no reports of similar side effects yet.

Experts also emphasized the benefit of getting the vaccine, saying that there is no need to be excessively anxious about reporting side effects that are not causative.

This is reporter Hyungwon Lee.


A case of’thromboembolism’ in which blood vessels are blocked after getting AstraZeneca vaccine has been reported only overseas.

There are no reports of adverse reactions related to blood clots among over 540,000 domestic vaccinations.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : 우리나라에서 부작용 신고로 혈전 생성에 대한 부작용 신고는 지금 현재 없는 것으로 확인되고 있습니다.]

A causal relationship has not been established in some countries that have discontinued use of a vaccine with a specific serial number for reporting side effects.

There were no cases of such side effects in the clinical course of AstraZeneca in the first place.

The risk of being irrelevant to the vaccine itself is weighing on it.

[정재훈 / 가천대 의대 예방의학과 교수 : 임상에서도 발견된 사례는 없고요. 스파이크 단백질이 만들어지고 나서 면역이 유도되는 과정은 과거 백신과 기전이 사실 같거든요. 혈전 관련 문제가 나왔어야 하는데, 안 나온 걸 보면 가능성이 떨어질 수 있겠다는 생각이 들고요.]

When looking at the size of blood clotting cases reported in Europe, some say that it is no different from what would normally occur.

Instead of being overly anxious, you should focus on the benefits of the vaccination, which will lower your mortality or worsening.

[정기석 / 한림대 성심병원 호흡기내과 교수 : 유럽에서 300만 명 맞았는데 22명 (혈전) 생겼다…. 정상적인 발생으로 보는 게 (통계적으로) 타당한 얘기죠. 백신 때문에 생겼다고 믿을 만한 아무런 근거가 없으니 크게 염려하지 마시고….]

Vaccines such as the serial number in question have not entered Korea.

All of the AstraZeneca vaccines currently in use are domestically produced.

YTN Hyungwon Lee [[email protected]]is.

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