[사회]The Ministry of Public Affairs, re-transfers to the prosecution of’Kim Hak’s case’…


The High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Office has decided to hand over the suspected illegal departure of Kim Hak’s former vice minister to the prosecution again.

Deputy Chief Kim Jin-wook explained that he had to consider the fact that there are still no prosecutors and investigators, so there are no realistic conditions to investigate.

This is reporter Han Dong-oh.


The HR committee to select prosecutors from the airlift was held for the first time two months after the appointment of the airlift chief.

With the goal of completing the screening process within this month, we discussed interview plans and selection criteria.

[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : 허심탄회하게 위원님들께서 고견을 주시면 반영을 해서 추진하겠습니다. 심의, 의결안건도 있는데요 논의할 시간을 갖고자 합니다.

아직 조직 구성이 이뤄지지 않은 상황에서 검·경으로부터 여러 사건을 넘겨받은 공수처는 검찰에서 이첩한 김학의 전 차관 사건을 9일 만에 다시 검찰로 재이첩하기로 했습니다.]

Deputy Director Kim explained that he first considered the method of investigating himself according to the principle, but he considered that holding the case without a prosecutor or investigator to investigate could lead to unnecessary disputes on fairness.

[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : 현실적으로 본격적으로 수사할 수 없는 입장이기 때문에. 현재 검찰 수사팀에서 수사를 계속하도록 하는 게 수사 공백 없이 그게 옳겠다는….

사건을 경찰 국가수사본부로 넘기는 방안도 검토했지만, 경찰의 현실적인 수사 여건과 함께 그동안 검·경이 사건을 처리해온 관행을 고려해 선택하지 않았습니다.]

However, Kim said that the case can be brought back once the organization of the airlift is completed, and the possibility of direct investigation or prosecution in the future is open.

[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : (진용 꾸려지면 다시 가져와서 기소하는 거까지 검토하실 수 있다는 말씀?) 그렇죠. 그건 열려있습니다.]

The prosecution, who received the case back from the airlift, is expected to speed up the investigation again, which had been stagnant due to the dismissal of the arrest warrant.

In the case of Prosecutor Gyu-won Lee, the person who requested the emergency ban on departure from the former Vice Minister Kim, it is expected that the direction of the new recruits will be decided sooner or later.

Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Lee Seong-yoon, who has refused to be summoned by requesting a transfer from the airlift after suspicion of external pressure in the investigation, is also expected to adjust the timing of the investigation again.

Along with this, Cha Gyu-geun, head of the Immigration Headquarters of the Ministry of Justice, whose arrest warrant was dismissed, is also planning to decide whether to reclaim the warrant after further investigation.

As the air defense agency decided to re-transfer, Gong went back to the prosecution.

While the investigation of key suspects has already been completed to some extent, attention is paid to how far the prosecution’s investigation will expand before the organization of the airlift is completed.

YTN Han Dong-oh[[email protected]]is.

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