[사회]”The key variable is the mutant virus…if it spreads, the nightmare regression in December”

Quarantine authorities are nervous over news that the fatality rate of mutations from the UK is high
In the case of the spread of the mutant virus in the UK, the infectious reproduction index 0.8→1.2
“Confirmation of antibody treatments before the Lunar New Year holidays”


In the future, the quarantine authorities revealed that the biggest variable in the fight against Corona 19 is a mutant virus.

He warned that if a mutant virus originating from the UK, which has a strong transmission power, spreads to Korea now, it could return to a nightmare in mid-December last year.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


The quarantine authorities are tense over the findings that the UK mutant virus has a high rate of transmission as well as a high fatality rate.

Although it is crossing the peak of the tertiary pandemic, if the UK mutation spreads, the infectious reproductive index is expected to rise from 0.8 to 1.2.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : 만약 영국 변이가 국내에 광범위하게 퍼진다면 바로 1.2로 올라간다는 얘기이고, 이는 지난해 12월 중순의 악몽 같은 상황으로 돌아갈 수도 있다는 얘기가 됩니다.]

In particular, the quarantine authorities are paying attention to whether an almost-developed antibody treatment can be effective against mutant viruses.

The quarantine authorities are currently culturing mutant strains from the UK and South Africa to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment, and plans to announce the results before the Lunar New Year holidays.

However, experts pointed out that the British survey that the mutant virus has a high fatality rate is targeting the elderly aged 60, so it is difficult to generalize.

[신상엽 / 감염내과 전문의 : 확진자에서 사망자가 나오더라도 젊은층한테 유행하면서 사망자가 나오는 숫자하고 고령에서 유행했을 때 사망자가 나오는 숫자는 수십 배 차이가 날 수 있거든요.]

The number of confirmed mutant viruses in Korea so far is the largest with 15 from the UK, with 2 from South Africa and 1 from Brazil.

The quarantine authorities are strengthening quarantine to block the influx of mutant viruses, including extending the suspension of flights departing from the UK until the 28th, and requiring Brazilians to submit a gene amplification test confirmation.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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