[사회]The first historical vaccination at 9 am today…Who is the 1st vaccination?


The first domestic vaccination of the Corona 19 vaccine will take place today.

It is an AstraZeneca vaccine, and it is given in sequence from 9 am.

Who will be the first vaccination in history, Issue 1.

This is reporter Hyungwon Lee.


The first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine starts at 9 am today.

[정은경 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단장 (그제) : 2월 26일 아스트라제네카 백신이 시작되고, 요양병원 그리고 요양시설의 65세 미만의 입소자·입원자 그리고 종사자가 접종대상이 됩니다.]

The first day of vaccination alone will be given more than 5,200 people.

Of these, I am interested in who will be the first inoculation.

In Britain, where vaccination had already started last year, a 90-year-old grandmother was the first in the United States, and a black female nurse from immigrants was the first.

The elderly and medical staff were represented first, minimizing the rejection of the vaccine.

In particular, the first vaccination was done in New York, which was the largest spread in the United States, but in Korea, it is difficult to identify No. 1.

[정경실 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 예방접종관리반장 : 동시다발적으로 전국에 있는 요양병원과 요양시설에 모두 동시에 진행이 되기 때문에 1호 접종자를 특정해서 말씀드리는 것보다는 모두 다 1호 접종이다….]

Residents who can move from nursing homes will be vaccinated at the public health center, otherwise medical staff will visit.

Nursing hospitals receive their own vaccination within 5 days of delivery of the vaccine.

The plan is to finish the 1st vaccination of 289,000 people by next month.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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