[사회]”The fad is suppressed, but it’s still dangerous… all ages experience sequelae”


The quarantine authorities believe that the corona19 epidemic is being suppressed, but the risk factor has increased.

Even in the case of a healed person, regardless of age and severity, sequelae may appear, and he requested thorough compliance with quarantine rules.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok reported


The number of new corona19 confirmed cases has dropped to 300 again in one day.

Although it is moving up and down the 400 new confirmed cases a day, the overall decline has been steadily maintained.

The infection reproduction index reached 0.82 over the past week, falling below 1 for three consecutive weeks.

However, there is still the possibility that a large-scale spread will begin in the blind spot of quarantine, like the group infection related to Daejeon IM Mission.

[이혁민 / 세브란스병원 진단검사의학과 교수 : 대안학교 같은 형식이면서 우리가 알고 있는 일반적인 교육이라든가 또는 종교시설과의 중간 정도에 있는 시설이다 보니까 이게 양쪽의 규제나 관리를 다 받지 않는 시설이어서 더 큰 문제가 되는 것 같습니다.]

It is also a concern that the possibility of domestic introduction of mutant virus is increasing.

More than 60 countries have confirmed mutant viruses worldwide, and there are already 27 confirmed cases in Korea, raising concerns about regional spread.

The quarantine authorities said that after the cure for Corona 19, aftereffects may appear in all age groups, they will also carry out multilateral analysis of the aftereffects and related measures.

By age, younger people were more likely to complain of fatigue, and as they got older, there were sequelae such as difficulty breathing.

By symptom, patients with moderate symptoms had some symptoms of dyspnea, and severe patients had sequelae such as shortness of breath and sputum even after cure.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : 폐CT를 촬영한 결과 전체 조사대상자 40명 중 7명에게 폐 섬유화가 확인되었고 모두 40대 이상 이었습니다.]

The government will observe the situation until Thursday, when the effect of the measures to ease operating restrictions for multi-use facilities such as cafes, is confirmed, and will announce a proposal to adjust social distancing around Friday.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

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