[사회]The courier worker died again…”I lost 20kg in 6 months”


Another courier worker died.

It is the 16th death this year.

The courier union and the bereaved family said that it was a job they saved amid Corona 19, but they had lost about 20 kg in 6 months and complained that their work was difficult.

Reporter Kim Ji-hwan reports.


Courier workers carrying banners and signs gathered in front of the Lotte Courier headquarters.

He said that the delivery driver died due to overwork and that the company is responsible for it.

“Lotte Courier is responsible for overwork of courier workers!”

A 34-year-old courier driver, Park Mo, was found dead in her own house around 9 am.

When I couldn’t go to work or contact me, a colleague who went home found it.

Park stopped working at the Sejong Dealership in Suwon Gwonseon from last July when the delivery date, which was due to Corona 19, became difficult.

The courier union claimed to have delivered an average of as many as 380 units per day.

He has suffered from overworking enough to lose 20 kg of new weight in just six months.

In particular, he criticized that the agency where Park worked had no sorting personnel that Lotte Courier had promised to use.

[진경호 / 택배노조 수석부위원장 : 약속했음에도 (고인이 일한) 화성터미널에는 단 한 명의 분류인력도 투입되지 않았다는 사실 확인되고 있습니다.]

Park’s mother collapsed when her son, who had complained that her work was difficult, left in an instant.

[박 씨 유족 : 일이 너무 많아서 힘들다고…. 그래서 그만두라고 막 그랬었거든요. 힘들면 하지 말라고….]

However, Lotte Courier countered that it was not overwork.

Mr. Park delivered an average of 200 to 250 pieces per day, which was not much different from other articles.

They also discussed with the union and said that they are putting in turn each agency.

The police said there were no signs of murder or suicide, and it is believed that Park died while sleeping.

In addition, it was decided to perform an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death.

YTN Kim Ji-hwan[[email protected]]is.

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