[사회]”The 4th fashion crossroads, rule observance, refrain from meetings” talks to the public

543 new COVID-19 patients… Five hundred people continued for the fifth day
The number of confirmed cases is the same even though the number of examinations has decreased significantly No’weekend effect’
Daily infection, entertainment facility group infection, etc… Concern about the 4th epidemic grows


As the number of new corona 19 confirmed cases has reached 500 for five consecutive days, fears of the fourth epidemic are growing.

The government also appealed to the public to comply with the quarantine regulations and refrain from meetings, saying that the current situation has many similarities to the time of the previous pandemic.


At the crossroads of the 4th epidemic, the number of new patients with Corona 19 again reached 500.

Since the 31st of last month, it is already five days.

It should also be noted that there was no so-called’weekend effect’, which temporarily reduced the number of confirmed cases.

The number of tests decreased by nearly half compared to weekdays, but the number of confirmed cases was 543, the same as the previous day.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 현재 상황은 대유행이 본격화되기 직전과 유사한 점이 많습니다. 지금 우리는 4차 유행이 시작될지 모르는 갈림길에 서 있다고 (볼 수 있습니다.)]

The recent spread is also raising concerns over the 4th epidemic.

This is because infected people are found mainly in daily spaces such as religious facilities, day care centers, and public baths, and group infections in entertainment facilities in Busan and Chungcheong are also increasing the rate of spread.

The number of confirmed cases in the non-metropolitan area is about 40% of the total, and it is a bad sign that the axis of infection gradually spreads out of the metropolitan area.

[김 윤 / 서울대 의대 교수 : 전반적으로 지방에서 점차 더 많은 확진자가 나오는 것은 일종의 장기적으로 계속 이어지는 추세가 될 것 같습니다.]

The government has once again pulled the reins of tension.

It is said that it is mandatory to comply with basic quarantine rules through the imposition of a fine, and that a large-scale on-site inspection is undertaken for facilities with many cases of infection.

In addition, he urged the public to comply with voluntary rules and to take preemptive tests and vaccinations.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 지난 1년간 보여주신 모습처럼 기본적인 방역 수칙을 지키고, 모임을 취소하고 예방접종에 참여하여 코로나 19를 이겨낼 수 있도록….]

With the spring crowds and the risk of re-emergence, such as the 4/7 rehabilitation, it is time to reflect on the lessons of the last three pandemics.

This is YTN Kim Dae-gyeom.

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