[사회]Sustained influx of mutant virus… difficult to block’vaccine anxiety’

The mutant virus spreads all over the world… ‘Vaccine Dance Theory’ appeared
“Existing vaccines are not helpless against mutant viruses”
The first vaccination on the 26th… Confirmation of target for vaccination on the 16th


Mutative virus infections have been confirmed one after another, mainly among immigrants entering the country from overseas.

Because of this, even the use of vaccines appears to increase anxiety.

The government emphasized that it is thoroughly verifying the safety and effectiveness and asked for active cooperation in vaccination that will begin on the 26th.

Reporter Ko Han-seok reports.


Most of the mutant viruses are screened during quarantine and self-isolation, which are the stages of entry abroad.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 2월 13일에 변이 바이러스 8건이 추가 확인되어 국내 유입된 변이 바이러스는 현재까지 총 88건입니다.]

The UK mutant virus is the most common with 69 cases, followed by South Africa and Brizil mutations.

The mutant virus is spreading rapidly across the globe.

‘Vaccine uselessness’ has even appeared, saying that existing vaccines cannot prevent it.

To block this vague sense of anxiety, the government seems to be working hard.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 백신은 과학에 속하는 영역입니다. 막연한 소문이나 부정확한 정보에 따라 판단할 수는 없습니다. 정부가 투명하게 제공하는 정보를 믿고 백신 접종에 적극적으로 참여해 주십시오.]

Experts’ dominant analysis is that even if the virus is mutated, existing vaccines are not powerless.

British mutations can be prevented, and other mutations act as a breakwater from worsening symptoms.

[백순영 / 가톨릭대 의대 명예교수 : 이것이 전 세계적으로 3~4월 정도면 (변이 바이러스가) 우세종이 될 가능성이 굉장히 높다고 하고 있어서…. 그 기간 안에 우리는 예방접종을 빨리 할 수 있으면 이것을 제어할 수 있는 부분이기 때문에….]

The first vaccination in Korea is scheduled for the 26th.

The type of vaccine is AstraZeneca, and the target is expected to be confirmed on the 16th.

This is Han-Seok Ko from YTN.

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