[사회]Stay away from meetings with 5 people… “Even if you get a vaccine, you have to follow the rules”


The current social distancing step has been extended for another two weeks.

The ban on private gatherings for more than 5 people and business hours restrictions were maintained.

As the risk of re-proliferation still remains, compliance with quarantine regulations is critical even if a vaccine is given.

This is reporter Hyungwon Lee.


The current distance, which is the second stage in the metropolitan area and 1.5 stages in the non-metropolitan area, has been extended by two more weeks.

This is because it can re-proliferate at any time without reducing the size of the 300 to 400 confirmed cases.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 봄철 새 학기를 맞아 외출과 접촉이 늘어나는 점도 방역에는 위험 요인입니다. 변이 바이러스 또한 우려스러운 요소입니다.]

As the amount of movement has increased in recent years, the risk of personal contact has also increased.

This is the reason for the prohibition of private gatherings of more than 5 people and the limit of business hours.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : 전파를 최소화하기 위하여 5인 이상 사적 모임 금지도 종전과 동일하게 유지됩니다. 예방접종을 안정적으로 시행하기 위해 방역조치 완화는 신중할 필요성이 있습니다.]

It is to minimize the occurrence of patients so as not to disrupt vaccination.

It was also considered that alertness could be loosened, especially as you start getting the vaccine.

[김윤 / 서울대 의료관리학과 교수 : 항체가 형성되기까지는 보통 2∼3주 정도 기다려야 하기 때문에 백신 접종 이후에 너무 안심해서 방역수칙이나 사회적 거리 두기를 소홀히 하시면 안 될 것 같고요.]

If you violate the rules, you will be fined for penalties and the business will be banned for two weeks.

In addition, it may be excluded from compensation for losses or disaster subsidies.

Meanwhile, a draft reorganization that will change the distancing system itself will be released next week.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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