[사회]”Special effect on Corona 19″ false advertising of Korean medicine doctors and companies caught

‘Corona 19 Prevention’ is a rumor that has risen… “It’s not edible or pharmaceutical”
On the past 6-14, 39 sales companies were cracked down and 14 were found
Sold 37 million won in the form of stems, pill, and liquid tea


Red pepper stems, so red pepper stems, are spreading through YouTube that rumors are effective in preventing and treating COVID-19.

However, red pepper sticks cannot be used as a food ingredient and have never been approved for treatment.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety found 14 companies that sold red pepper stems, including oriental medicine doctors, and asked the police to investigate.

Reporter Dayeon Kim reports.


Pepper stems and red pepper stems left unattended in the field after harvest.

It helps with bronchial disease and even has been rumored to be a’health keeper in the age of Corona 19′, but there is no evidence.

This is because pepper stems, unlike leaves and berries, are not food sources and have never been approved for medicine.

[고춧대 판매 업체 단속 현장 : (○○○ 검색해보니까 효능에 대해 나온 거예요) 못 먹는 걸 국민한테 먹으라고 판매하는 건 불법이거든요. 그래서 이거는 압류할 거예요.]

As a result of crackdown on 39 companies for a week from the 6th by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety from the 6th, it was confirmed that 14 were selling red peppercorns.

Through online shopping malls, they sold 37 million won worth in the form of stems, pills, and liquid tea.

It is said that the rumors about the red pedestal began to be known through the YouTube of an oriental medicine doctor last month.

It was introduced that adding jujube and salt to the red pepper stem will help cure Corona 19.

This oriental doctor was accused of violating the Medical Law and Food Sanitation Law.

[강용모 / 식품의약품안전처 사무관 : 어떠한 과학적 증거도 없이 질병 치료에 효능이 있다고 이렇게 광고하는 것은 소비자들이 오인·혼돈할 수 있는 문제가 있는 것이죠.]

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which has seized and discarded 100kg of red pepper stems and products that have not yet been sold, asked to be careful not to be deceived by false advertisements.

YTN Dayeon Kim[[email protected]]is.

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