[사회]”Shincheonji Shindo withdrawal one after another…weakened cohesion due to activity restrictions”


In Shincheonji, which was the center of the first corona 19 pandemic in Korea, it is reported that the recent withdrawal of believers has followed.

It is the testimony of the old believers that the cohesion was weakened as activities were restricted by the ban on gatherings.

This is Shin Joon-myeong.


Lee Mo, who spent most of her 20s in Shincheonji, is afraid to introduce herself to someone.

It is because of the stigma of being active in Shincheonji.

[이 모 씨 / 대구 신천지 탈퇴자 : 20대를 열심히 독하게 살았는데 사회 사람들이 저를 볼 때는 아무것도 해둔 게 없는 20대. 그래서 많이 막막하기도 하고 이게 시간을 도둑맞았다는 건가….]

She devoted herself to Shincheonji activities for 7 years, ignoring her family, schooling, and employment, but after the outbreak of outbreaks in February last year, Mr. Lee began to be completely ignored.

This is because Shincheonji has blocked some Shindos from accessing the internal network in order to hide the fact that they interfere with quarantine activities and prevent the leakage of internal information.

Those who can trust and those who don’t, have separated between you and me.

[이 모 씨 / 대구 신천지 탈퇴자 : 예배·교육을 받을 수 있는 성도랑 그렇지 않은 성도를 갈라내는 시기였던 거예요. 이렇게 뒤에서 갈라내는구나 생각이 들었을 때는 배신감도 들었고, 여기가 과연 신앙 조직일까 하는 생각도….]

Mr. Lee eventually left Shincheonji.

About 10 other believers also joined.

The withdrawal process has been increasing recently.

[이 모 씨 / 대구 신천지 탈퇴자 : 관리자끼리는 탈퇴자가 많다는 걸 수치로 이야기했지만, 성도들에게는 그런 얘기를 안 했거든요. 나와보니 생각보다 나온 사람들이 꽤 많은 거야. 회피하면서 신천지를 멀리하는 사람들이 많더라고요.]

Another withdrawal, Mr. Kim.

I testify that Shincheonji, who had strengthened its solidarity through 1:1 meetings and gatherings, has weakened its organizational power due to the ban on gatherings that have continued for several months.

[김 모 씨 / 대구 신천지 탈퇴자 : 더 이상 이 사람들을 통제할 방법이 없어진 거예요. 조직력도 약해질 대로 약해져 있다 보니까 열성적인 신도가 아니고서야 특히 20~30대는 한눈을 많이 파는 것 같아요.]

At the time of the first pandemic, Shincheonji counted itself as 230,000 people nationwide and 13,000 people in Daegu.

Shincheonji officials said that it is difficult to accurately answer the current number of believers because meetings are banned and worship is only conducted through video.

YTN Shin Junmyeong[[email protected]]is.

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