[사회]Section 3·1 Only small gatherings are allowed…”The pandemic should be stopped”


Large-scale gatherings by conservative groups that the court announced in Section 3 and 1 that they would hold in downtown Seoul were not allowed, but only partially allowed gatherings of 20-30 people.

The authorities have decided to respond strictly to illegal assembly so that it does not spread to a pandemic like last year’s Liberation Day rally.

Reporter Cho Yong-seong reports.


The Seoul Administrative Court did not allow the Unification of Christianity to hold a 1,000-person assembly near Sarangchae in Cheongwadae in Section 3.1.

In addition, seven applications for suspension of execution filed by conservative groups were rejected or rejected, such as disallowing assemblies of over 100 people.

The reason is that the public benefit of preventing the spread is greater as the risk of corona spread increases when many people gather.

On the other hand, some small gatherings were allowed, subject to strict compliance with quarantine rules.

The number of participants in the Free Korea Corps was limited to 20, and the request to suspend the ban on assembly during the March 1st holiday was accepted, and another judiciary allowed the assembly reported by Hwang Mo to be limited to 30.

[오상종 / 자유대한호국단 단장 : 집회 허가조건대로 범위 내에서 하려 합니다. 그리고 저희가 경찰에 집회 보호 요청도 하고요….]

However, the anxiety remains.

Last year, on Liberation Day, the court allowed two Gwanghwamun gatherings of 1,000 to 2,000 people, and the number of participants increased to 10,000, leading to a second pandemic.

The quarantine authorities demanded that this Section 3.1 rally should not be a spark of a proliferation tax.

[전해철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 2차장 : 지난해 8·15 집회로 인해 발생한 2차 대유행의 아픈 경험을 되풀이하는 일은 없어야 되겠습니다. 관련 단체에서는 가급적 집회를 자제 또는 축소하여 주시고….]

The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the police repeatedly emphasized the quarantine regulations of the participants, saying that they would strictly respond to any illegal assembly.

YTN Quiet Seong[[email protected]]is.

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