[사회]’Second pandemic’ Sarangjeil Church… Now, Jeon Kwang-hoon, released?


This time, we will go to Sarangjeil Church in Seoul, where the second pandemic occurred and there were more than a thousand confirmed cases. Reporter Park Hee-jae!

Is the church accessible now?


Yes, the church that was once closed due to the start of the second coronavirus pandemic is now open.

According to the quarantine guidelines, we have been holding’non-face-to-face’ worship every week.

The competent ward office is aware that the church is currently carrying out worship activities while following the quarantine regulations.

Sarangjeil Church, where the third largest number of confirmed cases in a year, was 1,173.

Since one member of the church was confirmed in mid-August last year, the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 1,000 in 17 days.

The quarantine authorities cited indoor’worship’ activities and outdoor large-scale’meetings’ as factors of spread.

In particular, Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon, who led the meeting, was confirmed after taking off his mask and giving a speech despite several warnings.

In addition, Pastor Jeon is conducting an investigation by the prosecution on charges of stealing CCTV storage devices during the epidemiological investigation and omitting the list of some members.

Previously, Pastor Jeon was arrested on charges of conducting a pre-election campaign and was freed after being acquitted at the first trial last December.

Today, we have toured services in Gwangju Metropolitan City and Jeonju, and today we held a press conference at Daejeon Station in the morning.

However, as the media catches the media still taking off their masks and conducting worship in some areas, the quarantine authorities are checking for violations of the rules and monitoring the situation.

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