[사회]Se-Hoon Oh, Mayor of Seoul City Hall…Park Young-seon, declared this week as early as

Se-Hoon Oh “Apologizes for resigning 10 years ago”… Seoul Mayor’s Challenge
Na Gyeong-won “In 10 years, Seoul has changed a lot”… Sehun Oh’s check
Ahn Chul-soo “When competing for vision and policy”… Unifying words
Park Young-sun meets with Democrats in Seoul “Decision to run”


Power of the People Se-Hoon Oh, former Mayor of Seoul, apologized for his resignation 10 years ago and officially declared the challenge of the Seoul Mayor’s by-election in April.

The Democratic Party is expected that Park Young-sun, Minister of SMEs and Startups, will officially run for this week as soon as possible.

Reporter Kim Dae-geun reports.


Power of the People Se-Hoon Oh, former Mayor of Seoul City, repeatedly apologized for his resignation as mayor ten years ago and declared another challenge.

The so-called “conditional run” claim that the National Assembly Representative Ahn Chul-soo would not run if he joined the party also bowed his head, saying that it was a decision from loyalty to unify the opposition.

At the same time, he emphasized his administrative experience as a re-elected mayor of Seoul as his strength.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 전 서울시장 : 빈사 상태의 서울과 서울시민은 아마추어 초보 시장, 1년짜리 인턴 시장, 일 배우다 끝나는 연습 시장의 시행착오와 정책 실험을 기다려줄 여유가 없습니다.]

The power of the people who made the first pledge of the Minsan Level Rescue Fund, former lawmaker Na Gyeong-won, criticized Oh’s claim to run conditionally and issued a check with the words’Seoul has changed a lot in 10 years’.

[나경원 / 국민의힘 전 의원 : (오세훈 전 시장은) 도대체 왜, 어떻게, 그렇게 출마 선언을 하셨는지 잘 모르겠습니다. 10년 동안 서울은 많이 변했는데요. 저는 서울이 대권의 디딤돌이 돼서는 안 된다고 생각합니다.]

Ahn Cheol-soo, head of the National Assembly Party, who criticized former Mayor Park Won-soon’s urban regeneration project in search of an underdeveloped area of ​​Seoul, said it was time to compete for vision and policy for unifying opposition candidates.

[안철수 / 국민의당 대표 : 지금 야권의 모든 후보들이 앞으로 서울시를 어떻게 바꾸겠다는 비전과 그리고 정책 경쟁을 하는 게 바람직하다고 봅니다.]

In addition, Rep. Sang-ho Woo, the only Democratic Party official to run for office, criticized that both former Mayor Oh Se-hoon and Representative Ahn Chul-soo decided to run politically without proper preparation.

At the same time, he urged the Minister of SMEs and Startups Park Young-seon to declare a run as soon as possible if he made a decision, and demanded that the party also determine the schedule for the election as soon as possible.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 출마한다 안 한다는 기사로만 한 달 보름 이상 이어져온 것이 썩 바람직한 상황은 아니죠. 결심을 하셨다면 조속히 출마 의사를 밝혀주시면….]

In the midst of this, it is reported that Minister Park Young-sun recently met with Democratic Party lawmakers in the Seoul area to express his will to run for mayor of Seoul.

Minister Park is expected to formalize the run as early as this week and at the latest in conjunction with an additional reshuffle at the end of this month.

If the outlines of the opposition and opposition candidates become clear with Minister Park’s declaration of running, the campaign for the mayor of Seoul is expected to become more heated.

YTN Kim Dae-geun[[email protected]]is.

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