[사회]”Real estate dumping report received” Police, dedicated report center operated


The government joint special investigation headquarters, which is investigating suspicions related to real estate speculation, is receiving related reports and reports starting today (15th).

Let’s connect reporters to hear more details. Reporter Kim Kyung-soo!

The police report center that receives reports on real estate speculation has opened?


Yes, the National Investigation Headquarter of the National Police Agency is the main pillar of the joint government special investigation headquarters that investigates allegations of real estate speculation.

Noodles are receiving reports and reports on real estate speculation from 9 am today by allocating a separate office and manpower.

The phone number to report is 02-3150-0025, and 5 police officers are in charge of consultation and reception.

It is open from 9am to 9pm on weekdays and 9am to 6pm on Saturdays.

Major reports include public officials or employees of public institutions using internal information, real estate speculation, and real estate market disruption.

Noodles also called for the people’s cooperation, saying that it opened a report center for a thorough investigation.

With the operation of the report center, the Noodles will be dispatched in earnest from the National Tax Service, the Financial Services Commission, and the Korea Real Estate Agency to be used for investigation.

We plan to track funding flows not only for LH employees themselves, but also for family members and relatives.

Previously, 7 LH employees who were added as suspected speculation cases in the joint investigation team’s initial investigation last week are undergoing internal investigations.

After grasping the basic facts of the noodle version, the policy is to review forced investigations such as seizure and search.

The investigation of 13 LH employees who have previously raised suspicion by civic groups such as Minbyun and the Participation Solidarity is undertaken by the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency.

On the 9th, the police seized and searched the LH headquarters, the metropolitan business headquarters, and the homes of the 13 employees involved, and are analyzing the confiscated items such as mobile phones.

As early as early this week, the analysis will be finalized and staff will be called to investigate.

So far, I’ve delivered it in front of the National Police Agency’s Noodle Book.

Kim Kyung-soo [[email protected]]

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