[사회]Real-doll controversy heats up’does not hurt the wind speed…’

Real doll modeled after female body
“Goods that hurt the wind”… Can’t go through customs several times
“Personal Freedom” vs “Women’s Rights”… Conflict of values
“Women’s Body Domination Psychology → Wrong Codification”
“Concerns about the spread of child shaping and customized production”


The controversy over the pros and cons are heating up after the court’s judgment that real dolls are only adult tools and does not harm customs.

Some argue that excessive invasion of privacy is not allowed, but there is also a lot of criticism that to prevent the spread of distorted sexual perception, dolls and custom made in the form of children should be prohibited.

Reporter Dayeon Kim reports.


Dolls that mimic the female body are lined up.

Their height and facial makeup are different.

Adult products, so-called’real dolls’, are priced in the range of millions of won.

It is a factory that makes real stones.

It’s like assembling a human-sized body model and face, but it weighs as much as an adult.

Although some are manufactured in Korea, many are imported from China or Japan.

Depending on the material, it may exceed 10 million won, but it was impossible to pass through customs every time because it hurts the customs.

[이상진 / 리얼돌 수입업체 대표 : 똑같은 제품을 옵션이 다르다는 이유로 다른 제품으로…. 저희가 20건가량 세관과 다시 법적 다툼 중이고….]

However, the court recently ruled that it is difficult to view real dolls as obscene objects and that sexual instruments should be respected as a private domain.

Immediately after this ruling, the two values ​​of individual freedom and women’s human rights confronted centering on social media.

It’s just a sexual device,

[전용준 / 서울 신정동 : 지인 합성이나 딥페이크 관련 기술 악용 이런 우려에 대해서는 공감하고 있지만, 아무래도 생명이 있는 건 아니다 보니까 그걸 사용하는 거 자체는 문제가 없을 거라고 생각합니다.]

Realdoll, which contains the psychology of trying to dominate a woman’s body beyond just resolving sexual desire, confronts accusations that it will eventually lead to wrong sex culture.

[구지은 / 서울 북가좌동 : 성인도구가 많은데 굳이 사람 모형을 본떠서 아이부터 어른까지, 지인 얼굴까지 합성해서 성생활 즐긴다는 거 자체가 혐오스럽다고 생각하고….]

Experts are also concerned that the production of real dolls that resemble children or synthesize desired faces can spread.

[윤김지영 / 건국대 몸문화 연구소 교수 : 4D로 나온 일종의 지인 능욕의 방식으로 리얼돌이 쓰일 수 있다고 하는 것 안에서 초상권과 인권, 인격권 침해 양상을 지닌다고 볼 수 있겠습니다.]

As controversy heated up after the ruling, there are voices saying that Korea should be regulated by law, such as the United States and Australia, where people are punished just by making or having a full-body doll of a child.

YTN Dayeon Kim[[email protected]]is.

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