[사회]Private education expenses have decreased, but the gap between parents’ income remains


In the aftermath of Corona 19, private education expenses temporarily decreased last year.

However, the higher the parent’s income, the higher the rate of private education, so polarization remained.

Reporter Kim Jong-gyun.


In the aftermath of Corona 19, school expenses and tutoring expenses have drastically decreased.

As a result of a joint survey of private education expenses for elementary, middle and high schools last year by the Ministry of Education and the National Statistical Office, it decreased by 1.2 trillion won.

In particular, the private education market for elementary schools was hit by a direct hit, which decreased by 1 trillion won.

[임경은 / 통계청 교육통계과장 : 2020년 2월 시작된 코로나19의 영향으로 초·중·고등학교의 개학이 연기되고 학교급, 학년별 단계적 온라인 및 등교 개학이 이루어지는 등 학사일정에 큰 변화가 있었습니다.]

The average monthly private education cost per person also decreased by 23.7% for elementary schools.

On the other hand, for high school students who are urgent to pursue a career or further study, private education expenditures increased by 5.9%.

The lessons that could not be filled with school classes were filled with private education.

[구본창 / 사교육걱정없는세상 정책국장 : 코로나 상황에서도 중?고등의 경우 사교육 수요가 줄지 않거나 도리어 늘어난 것은 학교 원격수업에 대한 불만과 교육격차에 대한 불안이 사교육 수요로 이어졌다고 보여집니다.]

Private education expenditures by subject were also affected by COVID-19.

Private education expenses for general subjects such as national, English, and water have decreased by about 3%, but arts and sports such as music, art, and Taekwondo have decreased by 30%.

[임경은 / 통계청 교육통계과장 : 학원을 보내는 비율이 굉장히 크게 떨어졌습니다. 그래서 태권도나 피아노 학원 같이 공동으로 모이는 곳에 보내는 것들을 좀 회피하다 보니 예체능 쪽에서의 감소 폭이 좀 더 크지 않았나 이렇게 보고 있습니다.]

The educational gap according to parents’ income was still there.

Households with monthly incomes of 8 million won or more spent 504,000 won for private education.

On the other hand, households with less than 2 million won account for 99,000, which is more than 5 times the difference.

Although private education costs have temporarily decreased due to the coronavirus, the educational gap has not been resolved, and if the decline in education is realized, it is feared that the polarization will increase.

YTN Kim Jong-gyun[[email protected]]is.

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