[사회]Pre-voting rate, record-high 20.54% by re-voting… Hot votes open


All pre-voting for the 4·7 re-elections, which had been held since yesterday, has ended.

The final turnout was 20.54%, the highest ever by re-election.

Voters exercised a precious vote through inclement weather such as holidays and rain.

This is reporter Sichang Yang.


The final pre-voting rate for the 4·7 re-election by the Central Election Commission was 20.54%.

This is an all-time high, more than 1%p higher than the rehabilitation held in 2014.

Seoul is 21.95% and Busan is 18.65%.

On the second day of the holiday, the turnout jumped by more than 10 percentage points each.

Compared to the previous elections, it did not fall short of last year’s general election and is higher than the national elections held in 2018.

Considering that the turnout rate in regular re-by-elections is lower than that of national elections, you can see how much voters are interested in this election.

There is a strong voice that the government and the ruling party should judge the failure of real estate policies, and a controversy about lies arose over the real estate suspicions of the opposition party heads of metropolitan governments.

Moreover, this election, like the last general election, was held in the Corona 19 situation, and citizens exercised a valuable vote at nearby polling stations despite the inconvenience of wearing a mask as well as plastic gloves.

Inclement weather, even raining, didn’t stop the polls from opening up.

[위지인 / 서울 이문동 : 처음에는 비닐장갑 끼고 한다고 해서 과연 그게 도움이 될까 생각했는데 막상 오니까 대면하는 것도 없고 안전하게 한 것 같습니다.]

[신동욱 / 서울 청파동 : 오늘 시간도 있고 그때는 쫓길 수 있고, 볼일이 있을 수도 있으니까 오늘 나왔습니다. 나오니까 비가 옵디다. 그래도 왔죠. 마음먹었으니까.]

Voters who have not pre-voted will be able to vote on official election day on the 7th.

Unlike pre-voting, this voting is only possible at the polling place specified in the address on the resident registration.

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