[사회]Police intensively crack down on unauthorized entertainment facilities’sneaky business’ for 3 weeks

Despite banning gatherings, 43 entertainment establishments were found in’secret business’ for 2 weeks
Police intensively crack down on unauthorized entertainment facilities for three weeks
“Registered as a karaoke room and restaurant and operated as an entertainment facility”


Recently, some entertainment establishments have been secretly operating in violation of the ban on business.

The police decided to engage in intensive crackdown with local governments and food and drug authorities for three weeks starting tomorrow (25th).

Reporter Jeong Hyun-woo.


This is an entertainment bar in Yeoksam-dong, Seoul on the 20th.

A police officer who violated the quarantine guidelines and was dispatched after receiving a report of secret business.

[단속 경찰 : 문 여세요. 강제 개방합니다.]

I shout out to open the door, but inside, it is silent.

When I forcefully opened the door and entered, the scene where there was a drinking party a while ago is confirmed.

The police charged about 40 people, including business owners, employees, and customers, for violating the Infectious Disease Prevention Act.

As such, there are cases where entertainment establishments operate without worrying about the ban on gatherings.

From the 4th to the 17th, 43 cases were caught nationwide.

Accordingly, the police plan to continue intensive crackdown on unauthorized entertainment facilities for the next three weeks.

The main targets are those that register as a singing practice room or a general restaurant that can be open until 9pm and actually operate like a bar restaurant or entertainment bar.

[손휘택 / 경찰청 생활질서계장 : 첩보 수집을 강화해 단속의 실효성을 높이자는 의미고요. 112 출동을 나갔는데 미단속된 업소에 더 관심을 가지고….]

Police said they plan to strictly crack down on the illegal business of entertainment establishments as it can pose a great risk of infection.

YTN Jeong Hyun-woo[[email protected]]is.

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