[사회]”Please reveal the hidden truth”…’Lee Chun-jae case’ victims’ appeal


The victims and their bereaved families, who were unjustly gathered as suspects in the Lee Chun-jae serial murder case, requested the Truth Reconciliation Past Investigation Committee to reveal the truth of the investigation at the time.

He said he expects not only themselves, but also many victims who have suffered from the coercion.

This is Sohn Hyo-jung.


A serial murder case that terrorized the Hwaseong area for 6 years from 1986 to 1991.

At the time, the police invested more than 1.8 million lovers and investigated more than 3,000 suspects and 20,000 targets, but could not find a clue to the case.

It was only in 2019, 30 years later, that it was revealed that Lee Chun-jae, who was incarcerated for another crime, was the real criminal.

Only then the police admitted and apologized for the fact that they had driven a beloved person as a suspect to commit an unfair prison sentence, and that the investigator had found and concealed some of the victim’s belongings and bodies.

[배용주 / 경기 남부지방 경찰청장 (지난해 7월 2일) : 조사 과정에서 폭행과 가혹 행위로 인한 허위자백, 허위진술서 작성 강요, 조서 작성 시 참여하지 않은 참고인을 참여한 것처럼 허위 공문서를 작성(했습니다.)]

Victims of the country’s many years of misinvestigation and violence have asked the Past Affairs Committee for Truth and Reconciliation to clarify the truth behind the investigation of the Lee Chun-jae case.

[윤성여 / ’이춘재 8차 사건’ 누명 피해자 : 모든 잘못된 진실은 앞으로 바로잡혀야 하고…. 하루속히 (진실이) 자리 잡혔으면 좋겠습니다.]

[박준영 / 변호사 : 모두 2만 명이 넘는 사람들이 용의 선상에 올랐었고 그 2만 명 넘는 사람이 모두 인권 침해적인 수사를 받았다고 이야기할 수 없지만 적지 않은 수가 반인권적인 수사를 받은 거로 보입니다.]

The victim of the disappearance of an elementary school student in Hwaseong, the father of the late Kim Hyun-jung, and Yoon Mo, who died of cancer after suffering coercion as a suspect in the 9th case, also filed an application.

The victims’ families struck their hearts saying that the statute of limitations had expired even though they did not even have a chance to investigate the case due to the police concealment.

[김용복 / 고 김현정 양 아버지 : 경찰이 은폐해서 못 잡으면 누가 잡아요? 대한민국 경찰이 은폐하면 어떤 민간인들이 어떻게 찾아요? 기가 막혀서 말도 못 하겠어요.]

[윤동기 / 9차 사건 용의자 형 : 직접 (동생이) 잡혀들어가서 (A4용지로) 6박스 분량의 조사를 받았다는 것은 피해자가 상당히 정신적 고통을 느꼈을 거예요.]

What the victims and their families want more than anything else is finding the truth.

If the truth about the entire investigation process is revealed, it is also a position to file a lawsuit for damages against the country.

He also said he hopes that more hidden victims, who were driven as suspects or suspects, will appear through these efforts.

YTN Son Hyojeong[[email protected]]is.

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