[사회]’Park Won-soon sexual harassment suspicion’ investigation ends…”The suspicion could not be resolved”

Park Won-soon’s sexual harassment suspicion investigation, expected’hard road’ from departure
Five months’ police investigation ends’empty hand’
Oh Seong-gyu, former chief of the secretary’s office, refutes “natural consequences of nonprosecution”
Concentration of attention on the results and presentation timing


The police, who had investigated the death of the late Mayor Park Won-soon, completed the investigation in five months without finally solving allegations related to sexual harassment.

The victims expressed their regret that even though they had submitted sufficient evidence, the police did not clarify even the facts that were confirmed.

Reporter Ahn Yoon-hak.


In July, a suspicion of sexual harassment arose with the disappearance of former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon.

As Mayor Park was found dead within hours of disappearance, the investigation was expected to be difficult from the start.

This is because in the case of sexual assault, it is impossible to obtain the statement of the suspect, which is important evidence.

[최익수 / 서울지방경찰청 형사과장 (지난 7월) : (박 시장 성추행 의혹 사건은 공소권 없음으로 종결되는 게 맞나요?) 다수의 언론에서 보도된 것처럼, 그건 접수돼서 수사 중에 있는데 이 자리에서 확인해주기 곤란합니다.]

The police investigation, which has lasted five months, ended with’empty hand’.

The sexual harassment accusation case was concluded that there was no right to prosecute, as expected, following Mayor Park’s death.

The suspicion that seven people, including the Seoul city vice mayor and former and current secretary offices, aided in sexual harassment, was expected to reveal the substance, but was dealt with without charges due to lack of evidence.

Police said there were difficulties in verifying the facts after the court dismissed the warrant for the seizure and search of former Mayor Park’s mobile phone twice.

The victims expressed their regret.

The police criticized him for not even mentioning the facts that were identified as the reason for the death of Mayor Park, although the police deserved to disclose the facts related to sexual harassment based on the statements of the victim and the reference and various evidence.

On the other hand, the former secretary’s chief Oh Seong-gyu, an aide to former Mayor Park, refuted that the indictment was a natural conclusion, saying that he has never received complaints of sexual violence from victims and that he has never ignored requests for telegrams.

As the police were unable to resolve the allegations of Mayor Park, attention is focused on the results of the National Human Rights Commission’s investigation and the timing of the announcement.

It is known that the Human Rights Commission’s ex officio investigation team, which started in August, has completed investigations on victims and related persons and on-site investigations, and has prepared a report until recently.

[최영애 / 국가인권위원회 위원장 (지난 10월, 국정감사) : (직권조사는) 지금 예상하는 것은 12월 말 정도까지 저희가 해보려고 하고 있습니다. 현재 진행 속도대로 가고 있습니다.]

As the results of the NHRCK’s investigation are not small, there is a prospect that it will be released around January next year after careful deliberation.

This is YTN Yoonhak Ahn.

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