[사회]’Park Hyeong-Jun’s Suspicion of Intervention’ Originals of the Four Major Rivers Inspection Documents Revealed…”Resign” vs. “Negative”


The original document was released by the Lee Myung-bak government’s NIS inspecting groups and people who oppose the Four Rivers Project.

It is said that it was written at the request of the Blue House Public Relations Planning Officer, and the person who was present at the time was the candidate of Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-jun, the power of the people.

In addition, the Democratic Party urged Park to resign, and Park confronted it as a negative offensive.

Reporter Kim Dae-geun reports.


The Lee Myung-bak administration opposed the Four Rivers Project at the time.
This is an NIS document.

It is stated that the document “Status of Pros and Cons of Four Major Rivers Projects and Management Plan” was prepared by the Blue House Public Relations Planning Officer in June 2009.

It contains measures to check the activities of organizations that oppose the four major rivers projects, such as environmental groups, religious circles, and professors’ meetings.

Specific methods are discussed, such as using conservative media to create criticism.

It is also reported that people who are opposed to the Four Rivers project are looking for ways to weaken their activities by discovering corruption.

It is said that in order to strengthen the capacity of the supporting organizations, dialogue channels with relevant ministries will be established, and the government will actively review support for public relations activities.

It is stated that the document was distributed to the public relations planners.

This time, in July 2009, it was also written at the request of the Blue House Public Relations Planning Officer.

It is said that members of the social group disclose activities of the left wing of the North and the North, and the Ministry of Environment designates and manages environmental groups.

Following the last temple list, let’s reveal the original

In addition, the Democratic Party apologized to Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon, who was then the Blue House Public Relations Officer, and urged the candidate to resign.

[남영희 / 더불어민주당 중앙선대위 대변인 : 박형준 후보는 지금 즉시 후보직을 내려놓고 국민 앞에, 부산 시민 앞에 무릎 꿇고 사죄하십시오.]

In response, Candidate Hyung-joon Park expressed his position that he did not know and had never been involved in the NIS inspection as in the past.

Rather, they argued that the government and the ruling party were launching a negative offensive to cover the state of affairs.

[박형준 / 국민의힘 부산시장 후보 : 국정원 문건이나 사찰 의혹과 관련해서 제게 백 번을 묻는다고 해도 저는 똑같이 대답할 겁니다. 불법 사찰 지시한 적 없습니다. 관여한 적 없습니다. 거기에 청와대 수석실 이름이 있다고 해서 그걸로 무조건 관여를 이야기하고….]

The Democratic Party has a strong intention to highlight that Park Hyeong-jun is a member of the Lee Myung-bak administration based on the inspection documents, and Park Hyeong-joon is stipulated as a negative offensive to overturn the democratic party’s poor election atmosphere.

It is unclear how it will affect the actual elections.

YTN Kim Dae-geun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
