[사회]Park Beom-gye,’Han Myung-sook case’ initiated investigation and command right…”Reconsideration of the Great Sword Vice President’s Meeting”

Investigation command of mother harm perjury teacher 5 days before the completion of the statute of limitations
Ministry of Justice “discovered a problem in the process of terminating the suspicion of the great sword
Supreme Prosecutors’ Office is not officially entering the exercise of command


Minister of Justice Park Beom-gye initiated the investigation command for the first time after taking office in connection with the suspicion of a mother harm perjury teacher by the investigation team of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook.

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office said that there was a problem in the process of disposing of the charges against the people involved, and ordered the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office to hold a meeting to deliberate whether or not the prosecution was prosecuted.

Reporter Kang Hee-kyung reports.


In the case of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, the Ministry of Justice held an emergency briefing five days before the completion of the statute of statutes for the ‘probate perjury teacher suspicion that the investigation team at the time gave false testimony to the inmate.

As expected, the card that Justice Minister Park Bum-gye took out was the initiation of the investigation and command authority.

Minister Park instructed the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office to hold a meeting of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, in which all the heads of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office participated, and to consider whether or not the inmate Kim Mo was accused of giving false testimony, and to deliberate on the possibility of prosecution.

In particular, he also invited Prosecutors General Dong-soo Han and Prosecutor Policy Researcher Im Eun-jeong to participate in the meeting, and ordered to decide whether or not to file a lawsuit and prosecute Kim by the 22nd, when the statute of limitations is completed based on the results of the deliberation.

[이정수 / 법무부 검찰국장 : 회의에서 감찰부장 등으로부터 사안 설명과 의견을 청취하고 충분한 토론 과정을 거치기 바랍니다.]

In the background of the invocation of command, the issue of procedural fairness was discussed.

The great prosecutor took a negative position, such as not giving an order for prosecutor Eun-jung Lim to act on behalf of the prosecutor, and several problems were revealed, such as closing the case after a meeting of researchers.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 : 검찰 내부에서 견해도 많이 갈렸기 때문에 어떤 형태로든 마지막 절차가 필요하다는 판단을 했습니다.]

Minister Park Beom-gye also ordered a joint inspection by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office on the illegal and unjust investigation practices that took place during the investigation of the former Prime Minister’s case.

[류혁 / 법무부 감찰관 : 이번 감찰이 검찰 수사 관행을 획기적으로 개선하는 긍정적 계기가 될 수 있도록 최선을 다해서 노력하겠습니다.]

Earlier, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office said that there was insufficient evidence to admit the charges in connection with the allegations of the former Prime Minister Han’s mother harm perjury and teachers, and virtually imprisoned all officials with no charges.

There was no official position on the invocation of command this time.

The chief prosecutor’s meeting is attended by 7 prosecutors’ level heads, including the head of the planning and coordination department, Shin Seong-sik, and the head of the anti-corruption and power department, presided over by Nam-gwan Cho, acting as an acting prosecutor general.

It is difficult to predict what conclusions will come out, as the Great Sword is not necessarily followed even if the results of the Supervisor’s Meeting come out.

Tensions are rising as inmate Kim’s prosecution may lead to an investigation into related prosecutors if the charges of innocence are overturned.

YTN Kang Hee-kyung[[email protected]]is.

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