[사회]Over 300,000 people were vaccinated in 9 days… “Investigation of causality of 9 deaths after vaccination”

First of all, 41.2% of those who will be inoculated are inoculated… 0.61% inoculation rate compared to the entire nation
Addition of 806 adverse reactions after vaccination… Cumulative 3,689
The first meeting of the vaccine damage investigation group yesterday… Death and vaccination causality review


More than 300,000 people were vaccinated nine days after the start of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Among these, nine people died after vaccination, and authorities are scrutinizing the link between vaccination and death.

The government emphasized that there have been no cases of death and vaccination in the world, and appealed to the government to trust the government to participate in vaccinations.

Reporter Lee Dong-woo reports.


Even on weekends, vaccine vaccinations for Corona 19 continued without a break, and more than 17,000 people were vaccinated.

In 9 days after vaccination, the cumulative number of vaccinations exceeded 300,000, with about 314,000.

First, 41.2% of those who received the vaccination completed the vaccination, and the vaccination rate was 0.61% compared to the entire population.

By vaccination institution, 81.3% of nursing hospitals completed the vaccination, 49.9% of nursing facilities, and 27.2% of medical institutions above hospital level.

9.3% of COVID-19 patient treatment hospitals and 3.7% of the first responders received the vaccine.

More than 309,000 people received the AstraZeneca vaccine and 5,200 people received the Pfizer vaccine.

The authorities emphasize that it is important to comply with quarantine regulations, such as wearing a mask, even after vaccination has begun.

[윤태호 / 중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 백신에 의한 효과가 나타나기 전까지는 최소 두 차례 접종을 하게 되면 두 달 정도의 시간적 격차가 존재하기 때문에, 그 사이에 방역적 긴장도가 완화되면 환자 수가 증가되는 그런 양상들을 보이고 있습니다.]

Reports of suspected adverse reactions after vaccination increased by 806 a day, accumulating 3,689 cases.

Among the adverse reactions, 2 serious suspected cases such as convulsions and 9 suspected anaphylaxis cases were added.

In particular, 2 additional deaths after vaccination were counted as 9 people.

Both of them were female patients who had been hospitalized in nursing hospitals and had underlying diseases.

Authorities held the first meeting of the Vaccine Investigation Team yesterday and investigated the causality of death and vaccination.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 정부는 단 하나의 사례도 결코 가벼이 넘기지 않고 전문가 중심으로 사인과 인과성을 규명해서 국민 여러분께 보고드리겠습니다. 정부를 믿고 계속해서 접종에 참여해 주실 것을 당부드립니다.]

The authorities are planning to hold a meeting of the damage investigation group once a week and disclose the results transparently in the future, as it is determined that death reports from the beginning of the vaccination may increase excessive anxiety.

This is YTN Lee Dong-woo.

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