[사회]On the first day of the holiday, the congestion section of the highway and time’scaling’ decreased


During the Lunar New Year holidays, the road to hometown became sloppy as more than 5 people could not gather even with family or friends.

The number of express bus users has decreased by more than half, and the congestion section and time of the highway have also been significantly reduced.

This is reporter Lee Jong-gu.


Seoul Express Bus Terminal.

The front of the ticket office is so bleak that the word “national movement” is colorless.

There are not many passengers waiting for the bus to depart.

[이재원 / 서울 목동 : 저만 잠깐 부모님 얼굴이라도 뵙고 와야 도리라고 생각해서…. 아무 말 없이 조용히 숨만 쉬고 가면 괜찮지 않을까 생각합니다.]

As a result of a government survey, the number of people who would use express buses to visit their hometown during the Lunar New Year holidays decreased by more than half.

Compared to the first day of the Lunar New Year holiday last year, the number of buses departing from Seoul decreased by 20%, and the reservation rate remained at around 60%.

Most of the returnees were expected to use their cars due to the fear of a large-scale infection, but even the highway was not very crowded.

3:30 pm on the first day of the holiday, the downbound line is 84km.

Compared to last year’s 233 km at the same time, less than half.

The congestion, which had been resolved at night, was resolved around 5-6 pm, showing the normal weekend-level traffic.

It was much less crowded as only food packaging was possible at the highway rest area.

[민정연 / 기흥휴게소 직원 : 작년보다 절반 정도 인원이 줄었습니다. 고객이 줄었는데요. 아무래도 코로나19 영향인 것 같습니다.]

[김성현 / 경기 용인시 고매동 : 밖에서 파는 간단한 음식들만 사서 갖고 가고, 먹는 부분이 좀 불편하긴 해요.]

With Corona 19, the Lunar New Year holiday has begun more than ever.

This is YTN Lee Jong-gu.

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