[사회]Official launch of the air defense agency…Kim Jin-wook “will not be arrogant power in front of the people”

Jin-wook Kim inaugurated as the first chief of public transport Official launch of the Airborne Ministry
Kim Jin-wook “I will not be arrogant power before the people”


The high-ranking officials criminal investigation office, which investigates crimes of the president, judges, prosecutors, and high-ranking officials, has been officially launched today.

Kim Jin-wook, the first Minister of Public Affairs, said that he would not become an arrogant power in front of the people, and emphasized that he would gain the people’s trust through investigations and prosecutions to keep political neutrality.

This is reporter Han Dong-oh.


The signboard of the High-ranking Officials Crime Investigation Office has been newly installed at the Gwacheon Government Complex.

When Kim Jin-wook was inaugurated as the first chief of public transport, the Ministry of Airborne was officially launched.

After receiving an appointment letter from President Moon Jae-in in the morning, Deputy Director Kim held the inauguration ceremony immediately in the afternoon and began his full-fledged term.

Director Kim stressed that he feels a great sense of responsibility in the face of the duty of the times to successfully settle the airlift, and emphasized that he will never become an arrogant power in front of the people.

[김진욱 / 초대 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : 수사와 기소라는 중요한 결정을 하기에 앞서서 이러한 결정이 주권자인 국민의 눈높이에 맞는 결정인지, 헌법과 법, 그리고 양심에 따른 결정인지 항상 되돌아보게 될 것입니다.]

The targets of the Airlift investigation include former and incumbent presidents and members of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister, the Prosecutor General, judges and prosecutors, police officers with more than a police officer, general officers, and public officials with a level 3 or higher of the auditor.

The crimes targeted for investigation are various types of corruption, such as commissioning or requesting bribes by public officials, offering bribes to third parties to accept bribes from third parties, abandonment of duties and abuse of authority.

In line with the launch, the Airborne Ministry also prepared and promulgated a specific organizational system.

First of all, the investigation department and the public prosecution department were divided to check each other, and tasks other than forensic investigation, case management, and self-information collection were organized on a minimal scale.

However, it is expected that it will take a little longer until the airlift is fully organized.

This is because the deputy chief, prosecutor, and investigator have not been decided yet.

According to the law, the airlift is composed of the chief and one deputy chief, 23 prosecutors, and 40 investigators.

First of all, Kim said he plans to propose a revenge candidate for the deputy head of the Airborne Department to President Moon around next week.

The HR Committee, which decides whether to appoint the prosecutor of the Ministry of Public Transport, is made up of 7 persons, including the Minister of Public Transport and the Deputy Director, 1 person recommended by the Director, and 2 persons recommended by the opposition parties.

It is expected that it will take about two months to finish the personnel of the investigators appointed by the Minister of Public Affairs, while prosecutors with experience such as digital forensics will be dispatched first.

Deputy Chief Kim said that he would decide on the case of Airlift 1 after finishing the organization’s organization first.

[김진욱 / 초대 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : 빠르게 변하는 세상에 지금 시점하고 두 달 후가 수사의 진행 정도나…. 그건 그때 판단하는 게 맞고 지금 예단할 수 없습니다. 그건 모든 가능성을 열어두겠습니다.]

The first time since the founding of the country, the airborne agency, which has the right to investigate and prosecute in addition to the prosecution, is interested in what kind of case it will be in charge of the first investigation.

YTN Han Dong-oh[[email protected]]is.

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