[사회]No club dancing, no moving hunting pots… is it possible?

Club night dancing is prohibited… Prohibition of moving between hunting pots and tables
Concerns about “It is difficult to observe the quarantine rules when considering the characteristics of entertainment facilities”
“It is important to cooperate with owners and users to avoid re-proliferation of the corona”


As the level of social distancing decreases, sales of entertainment establishments nationwide, which were subject to ban on gatherings for the past three months, will also resume.

Until 10 p.m., the company was allowed to operate while following the core quarantine rules, but there are many concerns about whether the rules will be followed.

Reporter Shin Yoon-jung reports.


From last year’s Itaewon club to the latest Gwangjin-gu hunting pot!

The outbreak of COVID-19 spread in entertainment facilities is currently in progress.

However, as the ban on gatherings continued for nearly three months, the difficulties of workers in related industries also accumulated.

“Can’t you see this self-employed person die and live? It’s Corona”

Accordingly, the government decided to lift the ban on gatherings for 40,000 entertainment facilities nationwide conditionally.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 수도권은 12주간, 비수도권은 10주간 운영을 중단한 유흥업소의 경우 22시까지만 영업을 허용하고 좌석 이동, 춤추기 금지, 전자출입명부 작성 등 강화된 방역수칙이 적용됩니다.]

Rather than allowing business, strict quarantine rules are applied, such as prohibiting dancing at clubs and nights, and prohibiting movement between tables at hunting pots and emotional pubs.

It is an encouraging measure to ensure the right to live for entertainment business owners, and there are many concerns about whether the rules can be followed.

This is mainly because it is a place where young people go to dance or meet with the opposite sex, and drinking alcohol can relieve their alertness.

[백채림 / 경기도 안산시 : 사실 헌팅클럽 같은 경우는 합석이나 이런 걸 목적으로 하는데, 애초 목적이 그건데, 하지 말라고 한다고 안 하진 않을 거 같아서….]

It is pointed out that cooperation between business owners and users is of paramount importance so that the lifting of the ban on gatherings of entertainment establishments does not become the basis for the re-proliferation of Corona 19.

[신상엽 / 감염내과 전문의 : 만취의 가능성이라든가 사회적 거리 두기를 준수하기 어려울 가능성이 있는 데다가 거기에 춤을 추거나 마스크를 벗고 밀접접촉을 했을 때의 대규모 유행 가능성이 상존하기 때문에 그런 상황이 만들어지지 않도록]

Whether it will be another frenzy of group infection or a balance point between people’s livelihood and quarantine, entertainment facilities have been put on the quarantine test again.

YTN Shin Yoon-jung[[email protected]]is.

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