[사회]Neither school nor academy, nor church…Identify the status of’unauthorized educational facilities’

Not a school, academy, or a church… Urgently to identify’unauthorized educational facilities’
IM Mission Anseong TCS International School, preaching without a mask
Admissions briefing sessions held across the country last year


IM Mission operates an international school where boarding lives 24 hours a day in about 20 locations nationwide, but it is an unlicensed facility.

It was not classified as a school, academy, or a religious facility, so it was in the blind spot for quarantine.

The collective infection spread to the metropolitan area.

This is Shin Joon-myeong.


This is a video of Anseong TCS International School that was posted on the IM Mission website in early July last year.

Neither the preacher nor the students sitting right in front of them wore masks.

The contents of the sermon are also included in the contents of the sermon that held admissions briefings across the country last year.

In this place, which started operation at the end of May last year, students lived in boarding for 24 hours.

[설교자 : 3월 초에 왔어요. 우리 3월 초에 왔는데 하나님께서 이렇게 좋은 예배당을 주셨어. 내일 저기 오픈이에요. 우리 기숙사 옮겨가는 거야.]

In addition to Daejeon, Gwangju, Hongcheon, and Yongin, which have facilities operated by the Mission, one student and one teacher were confirmed as a result of a full examination at this Anseong International School.

The remaining 114 were negative, but considering the incubation period, there is a possibility that more confirmed cases will emerge.

The growing concern is that there are more than 20 facilities nationwide, and they are in the blind spot of quarantine because they are unauthorized training facilities that are not registered with the Office of Education.

Since boarding-type educational facilities and religious facilities are located together, the local government has only confirmed compliance with quarantine regulations for chapels and religious events.

There was no basis to manage the class or the boarding life.

[안성시 관계자 : 여기 비인가 시설이어서 그동안에도, 관련 부서에서도 전혀 관심이 없었다고 그러네요. 발생해서 비로소 그런 게 있었구나 이런 입장이거든요.]

In fact, even looking at the Daejeon IEM International School where the group infection occurred, it turned out that even the basic rules were not followed, such as there were no partitions in the cafeteria and as many as 20 people lived in a room.

[대전 IEM국제학교 학생 / 24일 확진 : 저희가 그런 시설을 가지고, 지하실을 보면 식사하는 곳에 칸막이 안 쳐 있는 건 저도 좀 잘 못됐다고 생각했었고. 이 시국에 사람이 밀집되다 보니까….]

This is why voices are urgently required to inspect not only the case of the IM Mission, but also the entire unauthorized training facility.

Currently, there are an estimated 300 alternative schools nationwide that are not accredited.

However, neither the local government nor the Ministry of Education has been able to identify the exact list, so it is unclear whether the actual situation can be properly understood.

YTN Shin Junmyeong[[email protected]]is.

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