[사회]’Mutation’ infected people spread to their families…”Isolation of facilities for those entering the UK and South Africa”


The three additional mutant virus infections identified in Korea are the family of the previous confirmed person.

In the meantime, the entrants had to go home and undergo a diagnostic test within 3 days, and in this process their families were infected.

A quarantine loophole has been revealed, and the government has decided to quarantine and inspect immigrants from Britain and South Africa.

This is Hyungwon Lee, reporter.


Those with additional mutant virus infections are the family members of previously confirmed entrants.

An existing mutant infected person entered Incheon International Airport from the UK on the 19th of last month and was tested positive the next day.

Upon notification of confirmation, my parents and younger brothers, who met me at the airport at the time of arrival, and went home with me were quarantined at home as contacts.

All of them were confirmed as a result of sequential tests, starting with the family who showed symptoms, and three of them even confirmed mutations.

[곽 진 / 중앙방역대책본부 환자관리팀장 : 세 분이 변이 바이러스가 확인된 상황이고, 나머지 한 분도 역시 지금 검사가 진행 중인 상황이 되겠습니다. 가족접촉자 이외에는 현재는 지역사회 접촉자는 없는 상황입니다.]

The quarantine authorities are putting weight on the possibility that it was spread while moving in the same vehicle after entering the country, based on the fact that even a younger brother and a couple who do not live together were infected.

A loophole was found in the existing management of foreign immigrants, which allows them to go home and undergo diagnostic tests within 3 days of entry.

As a result, a countermeasure was put in place for those entering the UK and South Africa, where the mutant virus had spread, to be quarantined at the facility and undergo diagnostic tests.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : PCR 음성확인서 제출 시에도 임시생활시설에서 진단 검사를 하고 음성 확인 시까지 동 시설에 격리조치 할 예정입니다. 1월 12일부터 적용됩니다.]

We have repeatedly emphasized the quarantine rules that families living with when self-isolation must follow.

[백순영 / 가톨릭의대 명예교수 : 화장실과 침실은 따로 쓰는 것, 주변 소독과 환기를 잘하는 것, 수건 같은 공통으로 접촉하는 물건을 최소화하고 만졌을 때는 다 살균할 것, (대화할 때는) KF94 마스크를 써야 하고요.]

Meanwhile, the suspension of flights departing from the UK has been extended again until the 21st.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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