[사회]mRNA vaccine is inoculated at the vaccination center…viral vectors are inoculated at medical institutions

250 vaccination centers installed… Pfizer Modena Vaccination
10,000 consigned medical institutions… AstraZeneca Janssen Vaccination
“1.3 million in the first quarter, 9 million in the second quarter, and 3.325 million in the third quarter”


The storage and distribution conditions for the COVID-19 vaccine we will fit differ by manufacturer.

Pfizer and Modena, which require cryogenic cryopreservation, are matched at the inoculation center, and AstraZeneca and Janssen products are matched at consigned medical institutions.

Reporter Park Hong-gu organized the distribution method and vaccination location for each vaccine.


Of the 56 million vaccines secured by the government, AstraZeneca, which will be introduced in the first quarter, can be stored in the refrigerator.

Accordingly, it can be vaccinated at general medical institutions, but in the early stages of vaccination from February to March, vaccination will be mainly performed at regional centers.

When the introduction of the AstraZeneca vaccine begins in earnest after mid-March, distribution begins as a consigned medical institution through cooperation between military transport units and private distribution centers.

In addition, Modena and Pfizer products that require refrigeration are delivered to the vaccination center when imported and stored in a cryogenic freezer.

The temperature and delivery route of each vaccine are tracked and managed in real time in the integrated control center.

[정은경 / 질병관리청장 : 백신의 배송과 보관의 전 과정을 사물인터넷 기반의 통합관제센터를 구축하여 온도유지와 배송위치추적 등을 실시간으로 관리하도록 하겠습니다.]

There are 250 vaccination centers nationwide equipped with cryogenic freezers, and can receive mRNA-based Pfizer and modders or vaccines.

An indoor gymnasium will be used to provide sufficient distance and secure waiting space.

When you arrive at the vaccination center, you will first see a doctor and get the vaccine.

Then, you need to register for the computer and stay in the center for about 30 minutes to check for adverse reactions.

More than 10,000 consigned medical institutions nationwide can get virus vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca and Janssen.

Each local government is planning to select a medical institution by checking whether it has refrigerators or not.

The government is also accelerating the establishment of plans for the supply and training of personnel necessary for vaccination, such as doctors and nurses.

The government plans to inoculate 1.3 million people in the first quarter, 9 million people in the second quarter, and 33.5 million people, the highest in the third quarter.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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